Citizens have come to expect a certain level of digital interaction with all organisations, including public sector ones. From council tax payments to parking permits, refuse collection to street lighting, public sector organisations interact with the majority of the population in many different ways. As digital technologies continue to permeate our daily lives, the challenges…
Digital transformation – The challenges and opportunitiesRead More →
Customer Management
Communications for innovation and growth
The terms ‘digital transformation’, ‘customer experience’ and ‘user adoption’ are hot topics in the housing sector at the moment, and for good reason given the rapidly changing landscape. It’s pleasing to see that traditional ICT departments are now rebranding into digital teams working collaboratively with colleagues from housing and contact centres. There’s been a considerable…
Communications for innovation and growthRead More →
Getting tenants to help themselves
Self-service is now an integral part of our daily lives. Self-service check-outs at supermarkets are second nature and in banking, self-service apps are ubiquitous. It’s also commonplace to book medical appointments online and to receive texts reminding you to attend. Naturally, this sets a marvellous precedent for social housing. There have been many technology advances…
Getting tenants to help themselvesRead More →
Achieving holistic digital transformation
In both the private and the public sectors there’s a healthy interest in properly and effectively embracing digital transformation in order to reap the very real benefits that this approach brings. Listening to and reading about what is being said about digital transformation, it’s very apparent that there isn’t a clear definition and understanding of…
Achieving holistic digital transformationRead More →
Low code – Empowering digital transformation from within
When the government published its ‘Government Transformation Strategy’ in early 2017, its ambition was clear: to transform the relationship between citizens and the state by expanding the public sector’s digital footprint so UK citizens could benefit from more streamlined, cost-effective, and responsive public services. The strategy is foundational to overcoming the increasing pressure on public…
Low code – Empowering digital transformation from withinRead More →
Personal data and GDPR
ParaDPO’s co-director Clifford Barton explains how GDPR is now part of our everyday existence (not that the Data Protection Act 2018 is beyond current thought), ranging from the curious tenant or the fractious employee wishing to exercise their rights over how their personal data is used, to the largest housing providers with a duty of…
Personal data and GDPRRead More →