Stonewater has appointed website and software development consultancy Hallnet to deliver a digital self-service platform for its tenants, based on Hallnet’s Active Housing system. The appointment is part of Stonewater’s digital investment to enhance customer experience, offer better connectivity and access, and enable tenants to engage with services at a time and place to suit…
Stonewater appoints Hallnet for tenant self-serviceRead More →
Customer Management
Torus residents on the alert with Housing Proactive
Torus has installed Alertacall’s Housing Proactive system in 2,000 of its properties to help its older residents. Individual Torus residents are typically given a phone with an ‘OKEachDay’ button on it. Residents press the OKEachDay button in their own time each day to demonstrate that everything is fine at their property. If the button isn’t…
Torus residents on the alert with Housing ProactiveRead More →
Creating a customer-centric future
In partnership with Housing Technology, Rackspace recently held a dinner for senior housing IT executives. During the evening, the conversations were centred around a wholesale move towards digital, for both tenants and housing providers. There’s an understanding across the sector that organisations must engage with tenants in new and modern ways. This has led to…
Creating a customer-centric futureRead More →
Housing & Care 21 partners with Appello for digital transformation
By 2025, analogue telephony services will be switched off completely in the UK, presenting a challenge to providers and users of telecare services, such as personal alarms and pull cords. As a telecare user, Housing & Care 21 realised that it would be uneconomical to continue to service, maintain or replace failing analogue telecare systems,…
Housing & Care 21 partners with Appello for digital transformationRead More →
Digital transformation – Sticking plaster or in-depth surgery?
With digital transformation projects of all sizes, complexity and ambition being considered or undertaken by housing providers at the moment (see elsewhere in this issue), Housing Technology interviewed senior executives from Appello, Community Fibre, Comparex and Northgate Public Services around the theme of ‘digital transformation – sticking plaster or in-depth surgery?’. Does digital transformation require…
Digital transformation – Sticking plaster or in-depth surgery?Read More →
When is an internet connection not an internet connection?
I want to tell you about my last 24 hours on earth. I don’t mean that something terrible is going to happen to me tomorrow; what I mean is, let me tell you about the 24 hours I have just experienced and, specifically, my digital experience. 0645 – The alarm on my phone goes off….
When is an internet connection not an internet connection?Read More →