Housing provider Bromford has registered a 560 per cent increase in link clicks, 130 per cent greater social reach and 200 per cent growth in followers following its engagement with SocilaSignIn. Bromford needed to keep ahead of the evolving needs of its customers, making the transition from providing simple customer service via social media to…
Bromford gets social with SocialSignInRead More →
Customer Management
Connecting the unconnected
Five years ago, at the height of the summer of sport in the UK, the Wheatley Group published its first digital strategy, having just appointed a new role to drive forward both digital connectivity for and with tenants, and to provide a focus for excellence and new approaches to the practical application of new technologies…
Connecting the unconnectedRead More →
Together Housing’s DI project with Lloyds Bank
Together Housing Group and Lloyds Banking Group have set up a joint project to improve the digital literacy of the housing provider’s tenants. Digital inclusion workers from Pennine Housing, part of Together Housing, and volunteers from Lloyds Banking Group’s marketing team met tenants in December 2016 to talk about technology and how it can help…
Together Housing’s DI project with Lloyds BankRead More →
IoT & smart technology pilot at Flagship
Flagship Group, in partnership with a number of local companies, has launched a pilot project to understand more about how smart technology and the internet of things could help improve the management of its properties, improve tenants’ lives and increase the mobility of its staff. Flagship’s project involves free wi-fi and smart technologies installed in…
IoT & smart technology pilot at FlagshipRead More →
Going live – Unified communications at Futures Housing
Having taken the project from conception to implementation, the unified communications and multi-channel contact centre solution is now up and running at Futures Housing Group and the organisation is already seeing results. In the final piece of his four article mini-series (see Housing Technology, July, September & November 2016 issues, for the previous articles), Gavin…
Going live – Unified communications at Futures HousingRead More →
Asra Housing’s digital transformation
In February 2016, Asra Housing Group started a three-year, £1.3 million revolution of the way it does business. The challenge? To get the majority of our services online by March 2017 and an ambitious target of 65 per cent online-only customer contact by 2019. The opportunity? Improved customer satisfaction and annual savings of close to…
Asra Housing’s digital transformationRead More →