We started the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) with the belief that when great people come together and share ideas, inspirational things happen. What has become apparent over the last few years is that person-centric, connected care, while widely regarded as the future of healthcare, remains a mystery to many people. With an increasing…
Life-enhancing technologies for housing and careRead More →
Customer Management
Together Housing deploys web chat from MPLsystems
Together Housing Group has now deployed the second phase of its multi-channel customer service solution from MPLsystems with the introduction of an advanced web chat facility alongside its existing phone and email channels. Ian Swithenbank, customer services performance team leader, Together Housing Group, said, “As the digital environment is becoming increasingly popular among our tenants,…
Together Housing deploys web chat from MPLsystemsRead More →
Adactus Housing’s 1st Touch 360 Tenant Portal
Adactus Housing Group is implementing 1st Touch’s 360 Tenant Portal to offer its tenants more self-service capabilities. The software is expected to improve the group’s existing online services and augment its incoming call centre and customer care facilities. Initially, the new portal will offer two new services to Adactus’s tenants. First, the system will enable…
Adactus Housing’s 1st Touch 360 Tenant PortalRead More →
Bridging the digital gap
Sanctuary Group is one of many housing providers seeking to bridge the digital divide. We are rolling out wi-fi to our care homes across the country; by December 2015, over 50 will have had wi-fi installed, with the small number of remaining homes expected to have it by March 2016. We are also supporting residents…
Bridging the digital gapRead More →
Incom & ShoreTel improve Teign Housing customer services
Teign Housing Association has deployed ShoreTel unified communications from Incom Business Systems as part of its plan to improve its customer service experience. Comprising the ShoreTel unified communications platform and enterprise contact centre software, Incom’s solution is intended to enable the housing provider to integrate all of its main business applications in order to achieve…
Incom & ShoreTel improve Teign Housing customer servicesRead More →
Capita supports WDH’s tenants’ well-being
Wakefield & District Housing is using Capita Support software to improve its previously paper-based support services operations. Dedicated to support services for vulnerable people, Capita Support offers outcome-based management of information across housing-related support, employment, education and training and sheltered housing. A pilot implementation of Capita Support went live in September 2015 and is now…
Capita supports WDH’s tenants’ well-beingRead More →