Looking Local’s communications manager, Jane Hancer, explains how delivering multi-channel customer services is no longer a ‘nice to have’ and it’s not just for housing providers that can afford to take digital inclusion seriously. Despite the increased competition for our attention, TV viewing in the UK continues to rise, from an average of 3.7 hours…
The importance of multi-channel communicationsRead More →
Customer Management
Microsoft Dynamics CRM at AmicusHorizon
Amicus Horizon is using Microsoft’s Dynamics CRM system to track all interactions with tenants and provide a single view of tenants’ histories and preferences. The housing provider was previously using its housing management system to capture income and property information, but it lacked the sophistication to track tenant calls or retain personal records. Chris Roberts,…
Microsoft Dynamics CRM at AmicusHorizonRead More →
Omni-channel tenant engagement
Solihull Community Housing’s head of ICT, Chris Deery, explains how the housing provider is increasing its use of digital channels, in particular email and social media, to communicate and engage with its tenants. Solihull Community Housing’s research suggests that 60 per cent of our tenants have internet access, rising to 83 per cent of tenants…
Omni-channel tenant engagementRead More →
Friday Hill TMO texting tenants with SDM
Friday Hill Tenant Management Organisation is using a text messaging service from SDM Housing to communicate better with its tenants, and in the process winning an award for innovative use of social media from the National Federation of TMOs. Friday Hill implemented the SDM service in February 2012 at a cost of around £4,000. The…
Friday Hill TMO texting tenants with SDMRead More →
Netcall to transform Alliance Homes’ customer service
Alliance Homes has chosen Netcall’s CRM and document management systems to improve customer service and revolutionise internal operations. Before selecting Netcall’s ECM suite, Alliance Homes said that it was looking for an enterprise-wide solution, offering a complete view of all tenant records, contacts and communications, as well as giving mobile access to workers in the…
Netcall to transform Alliance Homes’ customer serviceRead More →
Westward Housing signs care & support contract with Capita
Westward Housing Group has signed a seven-year contract with Capita for case management services to deliver its supported housing across Devon and Cornwall. Capita will work with Westward to provide a ‘gateway’ operation, enabling the group to manage a new service on behalf of Torbay Council, whereby all housing and support referral and assessment information…
Westward Housing signs care & support contract with CapitaRead More →