A project to harness the power of text messaging to engage better with residents has resulted in a housing group partnering with a software provider on a bespoke solution. Gavin Hitchcock, head of ICT at East Midlands-based Futures Housing Group explains how they did it. Channel shift is a hot topic for housing providers. Moving…
Futures Housing and Orchard – Conversations on customers’ termsRead More →
Customer Management
CHP links Omfax’s Keyfax with Microsoft Dynamics
CHP is using Microsoft Dynamics CRM to improve how it uses its existing Keyfax Enquiries call-scripting software from Omfax Systems for call handling and business intelligence. CHP has used Keyfax intelligent call-scripting for 10 years and is an established IT part of the repairs process. The scripting gives CHP’s customer service advisors a knowledge base…
CHP links Omfax’s Keyfax with Microsoft DynamicsRead More →
Post Office’s walk-in service for digital inclusion
Post Office branches now offer a free service where counter staff can print the nearest internet access points to customers’ homes. The Post Office, Online Centre Foundation and other partners have for the first time brought together the information about internet courses across the UK to create a single database. 11,800 Post Office branches can…
Post Office’s walk-in service for digital inclusionRead More →
Greenfields’ DI plan with Montal
Working alongside Montal Computer Services, Greenfields Community Housing is installing thin-client terminals in the communal areas and wi-fi access throughout its sheltered housing schemes in order to encourage digital inclusion ahead of the government’s ‘digital by default’ delivery of welfare reforms. With training provided by Greenfields’ in-house IT team, residents can use the web and…
Greenfields’ DI plan with MontalRead More →
Newport City Homes gets Microsoft Dynamics with Goldcrest
Goldcrest Solutions, a specialist in Microsoft Dynamics CRM for the social housing sector, was chosen by Newport City Homes to enhance their existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution to cut the time it took to produce quarterly utility bills for residents. All quarterly meter readings are now imported directly into Dynamics CRM along with any payment…
Newport City Homes gets Microsoft Dynamics with GoldcrestRead More →
Unlocking the power in resident databases
Tenant profiling, communications, preferences and participation is a recurring theme for many housing associations, RSLs and ALMOs. With vast amounts of valuable information in housing providers’ computer systems, harnessing the power that is contained within resident databases is key to the successful implementation and reporting of many of the wider housing initiatives being implemented today….
Unlocking the power in resident databasesRead More →