Viridian Housing has created a very accessible and clear video for its tenants to explain how they are likely to be affected by the forthcoming welfare reforms, including universal credit, benefit caps and the bedroom tax. The online film features a variety of case studies which show examples of typical residents in different circumstances and…
Viridian communicates welfare reformRead More →
Customer Management
Shared-services housing portal from Midland Heart and Abritas
Midland Heart has developed a new housing portal based on Abritas software for housing transfers and mutual exchanges. The Homes Direct portal is also available as a shared service for other housing providers. In order to deal with the challenges posed by welfare reform, Midland Heart wanted to control who had access to its homes…
Shared-services housing portal from Midland Heart and AbritasRead More →
SimplyUnite launches new housing app
SimplyUnite has launched a new app, Connect, to help housing providers deliver tenant services through their smartphones. Customised for each housing provider’s brand, the app provides rapid access to a range of services from reporting faults and anti-social behaviour to rent reminders and job searches. The Connect app lets housing providers turn individual modules within…
SimplyUnite launches new housing appRead More →
Thrive Homes wins top marks for customer service
Thrive Homes’ resources director, Philip Day, explained to Housing Technology how the Hertfordshire-based housing provider has been awarded the Contact Centre Accreditation by customer service and contact centre experts Mpathy Plus. Our head office in Watford has seven customer service staff dealing with around 1,200 phone calls per week, with 81 per cent of calls…
Thrive Homes wins top marks for customer serviceRead More →
Smoke, mirrors and social media
Adoption of social media communications among housing providers across the UK is poor. A poll carried out by the Guardian Social Enterprise Network revealed that 84 per cent think that an overly-cautious approach to social media is actually holding the sector back. Don’t get me wrong, that figure could so easily also relate to other…
Smoke, mirrors and social mediaRead More →
Civica & Liquid Voice partner for call recording and PCI compliance
Liquid Voice has formed a partnership with Civica to deliver highly-integrated call recording, PCI compliance and CTI solutions. Working with Civica’s Connect division, the agreement extends Liquid Voice’s capability to integrate its suite of computer telephony applications with the Civica Contact Manager software used by many housing providers and public sector organisations in the UK….
Civica & Liquid Voice partner for call recording and PCI complianceRead More →