According to consultants Baker Tilly, while the impact of welfare reform on the social housing sector has so far been less significant than expected, housing providers should still be wary of downgrading the risks. The company’s benchmarking survey of 70 housing providers to assess the impact of welfare reforms found that the average rent arrears…
Baker Tilly warning on welfare reformRead More →
Digital Inclusion
Tinder Foundation wins government digital inclusion contract
A contract with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills for a digital inclusion programme has been won by the Tinder Foundation. The Future Digital Inclusion programme is part of the government’s plan to support people in the hardest to reach communities in England, enabling them to develop online skills and access government services and…
Tinder Foundation wins government digital inclusion contractRead More →
Country-wide wi-fi from Wales & West with Cisco Meraki
Wales & West Housing is rolling out a Cisco Meraki-based free wi-fi network spanning 120 locations across Wales. Richard Troote, head of ICT, Wales & West Housing, said, “The government’s digital inclusion strategy, which aims to get 90 per cent of the UK population online digitally capable by 2020, is very relevant to us. Almost…
Country-wide wi-fi from Wales & West with Cisco MerakiRead More →
Launch of the Connected Housing Initiative for DI
A group of 12 housing providers (representing 400,000 households), the Greater London Authority and Digital Unite are collaborating to combat digital exclusion. The Connected Housing Initiative aims to highlight the 1.8 million social housing residents who are digitally excluded. The 12 housing providers estimate that over 110,000 of their own tenants are unable to access…
Launch of the Connected Housing Initiative for DIRead More →
BT launches dedicated DI service for housing
Housing providers can now offer cost-effective internet connections and devices to their tenants, with the launch of a new shared internet service from BT Business. The service delivers an internet connection, which could include shared access between residents to reduce monthly rental costs, and an affordable device, as well as training and support for tenants….
BT launches dedicated DI service for housingRead More →
£53,000 DI project from L&Q
L&Q has launched a year-long digital inclusion programme for 150 of its residents. L&Q’s ‘Digital 400’ (D400) programme is being funded by a £53,000 grant from the L&Q Foundation and will be delivered with training provider Silver Training. D400 will initially offer 150 residents without computer skills bespoke IT training as well as free equipment…
£53,000 DI project from L&QRead More →