Following Orchard’s launch of Income Analytics at its customer conference in November 2017, South Liverpool Homes is now using the software to transform how they manage their income and arrears. Income Analytics has been designed to use the latest analytical techniques to combat the growing number of arrears cases resulting from universal credit and welfare…
SLH cuts arrears with Orchard Income AnalyticsRead More →
Finance Management
Fixed assets and component accounting
If you’ve not already been put off by the title of this piece, you may well be a finance person rather than an asset management or IT person. It’s a sad truth that, for asset managers, component accounting is often an inconvenience they would rather ignore or be invisible and, even for finance people, it’s…
Fixed assets and component accountingRead More →
Orchard launches Income Analytics
Orchard has just launched its Income Analytics solution, developed in partnership with Coast & Country Housing, First Ark, Livin Housing, and Phoenix Community Housing. The software has been designed to mitigate the growing volume of arrears resulting from universal credit and welfare reform. Income Analytics uses the latest analytical techniques to help housing providers’ income…
Orchard launches Income AnalyticsRead More →
Asset management systems – A different perspective
The most common complaint we hear from customers is that they don’t use their asset management (AM) software because it’s too complicated and doesn’t actually provide them with the information they need anyway. Too many of the systems out there are developed by large IT companies with highly-skilled developers but with no understanding of the…
Asset management systems – A different perspectiveRead More →
Real Asset Management bought by MRI Software
US-based MRI Software has announced that it has bought Real Asset Management, well-known in the housing sector for its asset management and component accounting software. Patrick Ghilani, chief executive officer, MRI Software, said, “Housing providers face the same challenges as other sectors around compliance and regulations related to asset management. By acquiring Real Asset Management,…
Real Asset Management bought by MRI SoftwareRead More →
uSwitch for housing software?
The thought of changing one of your legacy IT systems for new cutting-edge technology might well get the average business user excited but at the same time also fills the average IT team with dread at the thought of migrating years of data or integrating it with existing solutions. While there have been great strides…
uSwitch for housing software?Read More →