As I reflect on our third Data Matters one-day event at the British Museum in central London, I feel a great sense of achievement, not only for Housing Technology but also for the entire social housing sector. Data Matters 2024 brought together so many knowledgeable professionals and it was truly exciting to see how engaged…
Reflections on Housing Technology’s Data Matters 2024Read More →
General News
Some things change, some stay the same
When I reflect on two decades of technology in social housing, I think about The Pretenders… Towards the end of the decade known as the ‘noughties’, it wasn’t uncommon to still find green-screen systems, probably encased in a more friendly GUI, running at the heart of your typical housing provider. These business-critical systems would be…
Some things change, some stay the sameRead More →
Then & now – 100 editions of Housing Technology
To celebrate our 100th edition, Housing Technology invited a few of our longest-standing contributors to share their views on how the technology and business landscape has changed over the past 15-20 years, the milestones along the way, and what they think the future holds. Our sincere thanks to Aidan Dunphy (Esuasive), Steve Dungworth (Golden Marzipan…
Then & now – 100 editions of Housing TechnologyRead More →
15 years of That Housing IT Guy
Many of you will know me as ‘ThatHousingITGuy’ from my blog (, which has been running for almost as long as Housing Technology magazine, with over 500 posts. My experience in the housing sector spans almost 30 years working for suppliers as well as housing providers, so not much escapes me. Most of my work…
15 years of That Housing IT GuyRead More →
Platform Housing’s innovation award
Platform Housing Group won the gold award in the innovation category at the Housing Technology 2024 Awards; in this article we take a look at the importance of these awards and what the accolade means to both Platform Housing Group and the wider housing sector. Housing providers like Platform Housing Group are in a fantastic…
Platform Housing’s innovation awardRead More →
Celebrating 17 years of technology in social housing
Housing Technology began at the end of 2007, with our first edition published in January 2008, and here we are now, 99 editions later with our 100th edition (in case you missed our subtle front cover). So much has changed since George Grant (prev. head of alliances at the National Housing Federation & IT business…
Celebrating 17 years of technology in social housingRead More →