Adopting the principles encompassed by the Agile business philosophy has helped Your Homes Newcastle improve productivity, create a more positive culture and speed up delivery times, explains Geof Ellingham, the organisation’s former head of IT and now director of the Agile Business Consortium. By way of background, Your Homes Newcastle is responsible for managing homes…
How Agile built success at Your Homes NewcastleRead More →
General News
GIS housing specialist joins Oxford Data Consultancy
Rick Thompson, a leading GIS officer working with considerable experience in the social housing sector, has moved from his role at Trafford Housing Trust to join Oxford Data Consultancy as its account manager and GIS consultant, charged with the responsibility of helping housing providers improve their operations through the use of GIS. In his three…
GIS housing specialist joins Oxford Data ConsultancyRead More →
Emerging technologies in social housing: bots and beyond
With the technology now surrounding us resembling gadgets from the pages and images of science fiction, it can sometimes be too easy to dismiss these technologies as fads or ‘gadgets for geeks’. Instead of passing on these technologies, shouldn’t we pause to see what these innovative products and applications could introduce into the social housing…
Emerging technologies in social housing: bots and beyondRead More →
Start-up the innovation
2016/17 has been RHP’s ‘year of innovation’, the foundation of which was rolling out last April the UK’s first all-digital housing service, RHPi. The service, which is designed to lower costs while also improving service, will help us to invest £250 million over the next eight years in providing more affordable homes. For us, a…
Start-up the innovationRead More →
Revenue boost for Alysium Consulting
Housing specialist Alysium Consulting has completed its second year of trading, with revenues up by 50 per cent. Since the company was started in 2015, it has delivered more than 100 projects for over 70 social housing and local government customers. Ian Lever, managing director, Alysium Consulting, said, “Our growth reflects the significant change that…
Revenue boost for Alysium ConsultingRead More →
Gizmos, gadgets and good design
In the early ‘noughties’, I ran a seminar for ‘constructing excellence’ on ‘safety by design’, followed a few years later by one on ‘designing out waste’. The purpose in mentioning them is to emphasise the fact that, despite new products and new and updated regulations, such as those dealing with high-speed electronic communications networks, the…
Gizmos, gadgets and good designRead More →