Capita Software Services has signed recent deals with the London Borough of Ealing and Aberdeenshire and South Lanarkshire Councils for Capita Support which enables access to multiple functions within the councils’ ‘supported housing’ and ‘supporting people’ services. Aberdeenshire Council selected Capita Support to monitor, renew and evaluate social care contracts. Expected to be operational by…
Triple win for Capita SupportRead More →
General News
NorthgateArinso’s hosted HR for One Housing
One Housing Group has signed a seven-year deal with NorthgateArinso to implement a fully-managed HR and payroll service based on the software provider’s ResourceLink system. ResourceLink supports web recruitment, self-service modules and reporting. The new features are expected to make the recruitment process faster, letting HR staff focus on strategic issues and enabling cost-savings. Susan…
NorthgateArinso’s hosted HR for One HousingRead More →
Nationwide IT forum launched by Aster
Aster Group has set up a new national online forum for all IT and technology staff working in the housing sector – have a look at As far as we are aware, there is no other nationwide forum specifically covering technology in social housing, so we applaud Aster Group for setting up this free…
Nationwide IT forum launched by AsterRead More →
HTSB – Standards matter
The momentum behind our push for technology standards in housing continues to grow. The second Housing Technology Standards meeting, kindly hosted by Saul Stevens from Family Mosaic, in early June was well-attended by both housing providers and, for the first time, representatives from the leading housing technology suppliers. Given that the focus of the Housing…
HTSB – Standards matterRead More →
Housing Technology Standard v1.0
The first meeting to discuss our plans for technology integration and communication standards in housing was held in early April at Circle Anglia’s London offices. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the high-level goals for what the Housing Technology Standard (HTS) should achieve and how it would make application integration and data transfer…
Housing Technology Standard v1.0Read More →
Anchor’s IT programme helps the homeless
Homeless and unemployed people in London’s Canning Town are being supported by Anchor House’s ‘Aspirations’ programme which uses technology to combat poverty and social exclusion. Anchor House, which has developed from a basic hostel to a pioneering centre of excellence in the homeless sector, launched the Aspirations programme to move its 200 residents from computer…
Anchor’s IT programme helps the homelessRead More →