What does it take to get the people who work in social housing really inspired? Well, at the Housing Technology 2015 conference this month, Barry Marlow and I both had a really good go at it. Barry is one of those charismatic, dyed in the wool housing types who work with housing providers to help…
Inspiring change in social housingRead More →
Housing Management
Abritas delivers better CBL services for Select Move
Select Move, which provides choice-based letting services to housing providers and local authorities, has transformed its CBL website by using Abritas’s latest housing portal, at the same time as streamlining its ‘enhanced housing options’ offering. Select Move has used its original Abritas system to provide CBL services since 2005 when it was originally implemented by…
Abritas delivers better CBL services for Select MoveRead More →
Housing Partners launches new HomeSwapper service
Housing Partners has just launched a brand new version of its HomeSwapper service, with many new features for both housing providers and tenants. The new service is already being used by over 700 housing providers and their tenants across the UK and has been built using the latest coding techniques, faster databases and fully mobile…
Housing Partners launches new HomeSwapper serviceRead More →
Accent leaps forward with MIS ActiveH
Accent Group has just completed the upgrade of its ActiveH housing management system by six versions. Accent first implemented MIS-AMS’s ActiveH software in 2012. Although the implementation was a success, its operational systems suffered from teething problems caused by the integration of complex processes from three different subsidiaries. In 2013, Accent consolidated into a single…
Accent leaps forward with MIS ActiveHRead More →
Orchard expands its presence on CCS frameworks
Orchard has expanded its presence on the Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) frameworks, offering more procurement choices for existing and potential customers. Orchard has promoted its softwareasaservice offerings via the GCloud framework since 2012 and can now offer its entire portfolio of housing solutions via the Local Authority Software Applications (LASA) RM1059 framework. The Crown Commercial…
Orchard expands its presence on CCS frameworksRead More →
Orchard receives ‘Grand Prix’ Dynamo IT award
Orchard Information Systems’ executive chairman Peter Hunt won the ‘Grand Prix’ award at the Dynamo Dynamites 2014 awards event, which was attended by over 300 representatives from the North East’s IT sector. Dynamo promotes the growth of the IT sector in the North East Region. It is supported by a number of local businesses, public…
Orchard receives ‘Grand Prix’ Dynamo IT awardRead More →