Colchester Borough Council has chosen a new housing management system from Northgate Public Services for its subsidiary, Colchester Borough Homes, to give remote-working staff the tools to improve community support while on the move and to enable residents to self-serve online. The cloud-based NPS Housing software will bring all of CBH’s housing services into one…
Colchester Borough Homes selects new HMS from Northgate Public ServicesRead More →
Housing Management
IT risk management – Tracking, monitoring and mitigating
Housing Technology interviewed IT risk experts from Incline-IT, Northgate Public Services, Riskhub and Waterstons on what IT risks housing providers should be keeping a close eye on and how they can plan for and mitigate those risks. What are the IT risks specific to social housing? Trevor Hampton, director of housing solutions, Northgate Public Services,…
IT risk management – Tracking, monitoring and mitigatingRead More →
Twinview launches ‘digital twins’ for housing
Twinview has been launched to change the way buildings are managed and perform, helping to make them safer and more efficient. Twinview is powered by cloud-based, 3D digital twins (digital replicas of physical buildings) which connect the paired virtual and the physical buildings with real-time analytical data. This allows housing providers to manage, monitor and…
Twinview launches ‘digital twins’ for housingRead More →
Digital transformation amid the pandemic
You may have been sceptical about investing in a business transformation project prior to the coronavirus outbreak, with the perception that they are expensive, long and need substantial resources to deliver. You may also feel that the benefits of digital transformation don’t materialise fast enough. However, given the huge transition all organisations have had to…
Digital transformation amid the pandemicRead More →
Lincolnshire Housing moves to Aareon
Lincolnshire Housing Partnership has chosen Aareon as its new housing management and digital solutions provider. It will be implementing Aareon QL Next Generation ERP, 1st Touch Mobile and 360 Customer Portal, all delivered as Aareon-hosted services. Suzanne Wicks, executive director of business transformation, Lincolnshire Housing Partnership, said, “Our key stakeholders in the business invested a…
Lincolnshire Housing moves to AareonRead More →
Squared embraces Castleton Community
Squared, formerly Luton Community Housing, has signed a five-year contract with Castleton Technology for a complete migration of its existing systems to a fully hosted, integrated set of solutions based around Castleton Community. Launched last year, Castleton said that Community is designed for smaller housing providers who often struggle to find software that caters to…
Squared embraces Castleton CommunityRead More →