Following the merger last year of AmicusHorizon and Viridian Housing to form Optivo, Housing Technology interviewed Jeanette Alfano, director of technology, and Jane Porter, chief operating officer, about Optivo’s IT plans. How does the merger affect your IT infrastructure? Jeanette Alfano: It dramatically affects it. Two separate infrastructures, one infrastructure sitting on-premise in a datacentre…
Interview – Optivo’s IT plansRead More →
Housing Management
Integration… The key to introducing new technologies
The technology revolution that has transformed the operating efficiency and productivity of social housing continues to make a significant difference. However, identifying which technologies will have the most positive impact is harder to predict. Nigel Rees, joint managing director of Aareon, believes that integration holds the key; here’s why… I’m always fascinated by how new…
Integration… The key to introducing new technologiesRead More →
ROCC’s Uniclass rolled out across Thirteen
ROCC has completed the first phase of the rollout of its Uniclass repairs and maintenance software at Thirteen Group, initially covering responsive repairs for the housing provider’s 34,000 properties. The second phase of the project, due to be completed by March 2018, will see Uniclass used for day-to-day cyclical works. With the aim of fostering…
ROCC’s Uniclass rolled out across ThirteenRead More →
Capita One brings housing & local government under one roof
Capita has moved its local government and social housing software businesses under a single division of its business, Capita One, with the aim of providing a single view of citizens and tenants across different public services. Capita reported that its One range of local government and housing software will help housing providers understand their tenants…
Capita One brings housing & local government under one roofRead More →
Building GDPR into social housing
As most housing professionals are (or should be) aware, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force from May 2018, and housing providers should be paying particular attention to what it is and what it could mean for them. Housing providers hold a great deal of personal tenant data. From name, date of…
Building GDPR into social housingRead More →
Manifest’s Universal Adapter supports Castles & Coasts’ data migration
During the merger in July 2017 of Two Castles Housing and Derwent & Solway Housing, the newly-formed Castles and Coasts Housing Association used Manifest Software’s Universal Adaptor during the migration and merging of data between the two organisations’ housing management systems. Castles and Coasts reported that by using the Universal Adaptor, it was possible to…
Manifest’s Universal Adapter supports Castles & Coasts’ data migrationRead More →