Digital switchover specialist Avonline has launched IRSNet for the delivery of secure broadband services to all residents of high-rise buildings and ‘multiple dwelling units’ using the existing coaxial cable network. Avonline’s new technology is aimed at providing a safe and reliable broadband service for properties in a sector with one of the lowest levels of…
Avonline’s IRSNet supports digital inclusionRead More →
Comms freedom for One Vision
Following an OGC procurement process, Freedom Communications has deployed a bespoke Alcatel-Lucent converged voice and data communications system at One Vision Housing Association for the housing provider’s contact centre and internal operations. One Vision’s decision to review its communications systems was part of its commissioning of a new head office, as well as the need…
Comms freedom for One VisionRead More →
Sovereign extends East End contract
East End Homes has extended its managed IT services contract with Sovereign Business Integration for another 12 months, having originally enlisted the consultancy’s help in 2005. With around 3500 properties under its management, East End Homes’ strategy is to limit the cost and overheads associated with back office processes, preferring to focus on front-line service…
Sovereign extends East End contractRead More →
Thales’ £3.3m outsourcing deal with Hyde
Hyde Group has awarded Thales a three-year, £3.3 million contract to provide the group with a training managed service (TMS) through Thales Training and Consultancy. The contract takes effect from May 2010 and covers all of Hyde’s 1500 staff. The contract will involve Thales providing a full training service, the procurement of all training, the…
Thales’ £3.3m outsourcing deal with HydeRead More →
Tower Hamlets’ 3-year Waterstons plan
Tower Hamlets Community Housing has just embarked on its new three-year IT strategy with support from Waterstons. The focus of THCH’s strategy is to align IT with the organisation’s five-year corporate plan, support performance improvements and lower the cost of the IT infrastructure and service delivery. After liaising with the housing provider’s internal steering group…
Tower Hamlets’ 3-year Waterstons planRead More →
Be anywhere with Bron Afon
Bron Afon Community Housing has implemented ultra-thin SunRay desktop clients and 5i’s BeAnywhere IP-telephony system to give its staff freedom to work where they want while ensuring they were easily traced to deal with inbound phone calls. Bron Afon is the result of the transfer in 2008 of 8000 homes from Wales’s Torfaen County Borough…
Be anywhere with Bron AfonRead More →