Keepmoat, which is responsible for more than 43,000 properties for social rent, has chosen Star’s on-demand business service for WAN connectivity, email, data and internet communications across its operating companies – Bramall Construction, Frank Haslam Milan and Keepmoat Homes. The company has just completed the latest phase of its communications network renewal and chose Star’s…
Star connects 250 Keepmoat sitesRead More →
Incommunities signs with NTL and Bloxx
ncommunities is using a next-generation network from NTL Telewest Business to underpin its operations and deliver mobile working for its staff. The housing provider, which manages 22,300 properties in the Bradford area, is linking its eight key offices plus smaller sites across the network, providing IP telephony for 750 staff and organisation-wide business continuity. 250…
Incommunities signs with NTL and BloxxRead More →
Bromford IT consolidation with Fordway
Fordway Solutions has just completed the implementation of a new ICT network for Bromford Group. All of Bromford’s services are now consolidated onto a single network, resulting in reduced costs, improved resilience and a better service for end-users. The new infrastructure was delivered in parallel with the consolidation of Bromford’s operations into a new, purpose-built…
Bromford IT consolidation with FordwayRead More →
Circle Anglia uses First Adapt procurement maps
Circle Anglia is using procurement maps from First Adapt to unite different parts of its organisation and enforce centralised procurement policies. James Savill, procurement manager, Circle Anglia, said, “With First Adapt’s procurement maps, we can ensure that all of our procurement policies and any associated documents are accessible from our intranet. The maps are visual…
Circle Anglia uses First Adapt procurement mapsRead More →
Home Group halves £1m travel budget with Citrix
Home Group is using web conferencing tools from Citrix Online to allow over 4000 staff communicate online across Home’s 565 UK locations, halving its £1 million travel budget and increasing employee productivity. By using GoToMeeting, Citrix’s online meeting service, Home Group has removed the need for unnecessary travel to face-to-face meetings by conducting online sessions…
Home Group halves £1m travel budget with CitrixRead More →
Sorce intranet for Oaklee Housing
Northern Ireland-based Oaklee Housing has upgraded its previous in-house intranet with a new Sorce system for its distributed workers. Sorce’s intranet system was chosen due to its ready-made applications, such as document management, image library and helpdesk, and also for the flexibility of customisation, the ability to integrate and its native application development environment. Oaklee…
Sorce intranet for Oaklee HousingRead More →