Morrison has outsourced its IT to ISC, saving the repairs and maintenance provider £300,000 each year. Ian Bryce, chief information officer, Morrison, said, “We needed to integrate our business as we had four different domains running with different versions of back-office applications, which meant duplications in patching and inconsistent standards. IT resourcing was also a…
£300k annual savings for Morrison with ISCRead More →
Golden Gates’ £120k NTL network live
NTL:Telewest Business has implemented a virtual private network across Golden Gates Housing’s entire organisation, spanning eight locations and 270 staff. The two-month project at Golden Gates, an ALMO for Warrington Borough Council’s 8700 properties, went live in April 2009, with the contract worth around £120,000. The Metro Ethernet VPN has connected Golden Gates’ seven offices…
Golden Gates’ £120k NTL network liveRead More →
Three new HAs for House-on-the-Hill
Severnside Housing, Eastlands, and Argyll Community housing associations, which between them house 18,000 people in England and Scotland, are now each using House-on-the-Hill’s SupportDesk solution. Ian Pritchard, Systems and Technology Manager, Severnside, said, “The new system underpins the whole of our IT support service and will revolutionise the way our IT team operates with call…
Three new HAs for House-on-the-HillRead More →
Zeacom & CNT partner in housing
Central Networks and Technology (CNT) has been appointed by unified communications company Zeacom as its partner for the housing sector. The partnership will be based around Zeacom’s communications suite which automates customer service transactions via a single application which includes unified messaging, mobility, contact centre, tele-conferencing and desktop telephony. David Smith, sales and marketing director,…
Zeacom & CNT partner in housingRead More →
The reality of super-fast fibre
The ultimate broadband technology uses optical fibre from the service provider all the way to the home, known as fibre-to-the-home (FTTH). Housing providers, local authorities, utility companies and telecoms providers are becoming increasingly committed to widespread FTTH rollout for a host of benefits such as enhanced quality of life for citizens, environmental sustainability, local economic…
The reality of super-fast fibreRead More →
ShoreTel unified comms at Devon & Cornwall Housing
Devon & Cornwall Housing Group has implemented a unified communications infrastructure from ShoreTel, supported by Datasharp, to improve customer service and support flexible working. The housing group, which manages 17,000 homes and employs 700 staff, has installed the 340-user system across its nine offices. The project began in June 2008 and went live during April…
ShoreTel unified comms at Devon & Cornwall HousingRead More →