Adam Continuity has launched Wales’s first disaster recovery operations centre shortly after extending its three-year contract with Wales and West Housing Association. With 9000 properties under management, 25,000 residents to support and 300 staff, WWHA has made a long-term commitment to its business continuity and disaster recovery strategy. Cardiff-based WWHA’s previous supplier had offered fixed…
Wales & West safe with Adam ContinuityRead More →
Housing gains from InTechnology’s 21CN deal
InTechnology has signed a five-year agreement which will see BT provide InTechnology with high-bandwidth voice and data services delivered over 21CN, BT’s next-generation Ethernet programme. The deal is particularly relevant to the housing sector due to many organisations operating across multiple sites; 21CN brings the benefits of high bandwidth Ethernet networks to enable housing organisations…
Housing gains from InTechnology’s 21CN dealRead More →
10 years of thin-client computing.
Housing Technology asked Gary Haldane, the IT manager at Kingdom Housing Association, to share his experience of thin-client computing over the past 10 years. Kingdom Housing Association first implemented thin-client technology in 1999, using Citrix Presentation server and we have continued to use the same technology for a decade. We have 180 users, 100 of…
10 years of thin-client computing.Read More →
High-speed network for 150 Midland Heart sites
Midland Heart is overhauling its information network across 150 sites in the West Midlands following a deal with NTL Telewest Business. The new NTL network is already live at Midland Heart’s headquarters and three satellite offices, with the remaining four offices and housing sites expected to be live by July 2009. The housing and regeneration…
High-speed network for 150 Midland Heart sitesRead More →
Virtual desktops for Solihull MBC
Solihull Community Housing Association has installed a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) system to enable its duty managers to work from any site in the borough. Working with independent consultancy Centralis and in collaboration with Solihull MBC, Citrix XenDesktop has been installed, allowing registered users to access their virtualised desktop from any location, giving them greater…
Virtual desktops for Solihull MBCRead More →
Notting Hill Housing goes green with Plan-Net
Notting Hill Housing Group has implemented a virtual desktop system to reduce costs and save space, as well as reducing its carbon footprint. Installed and supported by Plan-Net, the new system is based on VMware VDI which delivers a virtual desktop which behaves like a normal ‘fat’ PC. Wyse thin-client terminals and Leostream, a desktop…
Notting Hill Housing goes green with Plan-NetRead More →