Many housing providers have embraced rapid digital transformation yet their progress towards cybersecurity maturity hasn’t progressed at the same pace. What can we learn from those whose approaches to cybersecurity are more developed? Over the years, many of you will have focused on getting the essential elements of your cybersecurity right, including implementing multi-factor authentication…
A proactive approach to today’s cyber threatsRead More →
AI-powered predictions for fire safety
Fire and rescue teams know that many fires don’t just happen. They are instead due to patterns of human behaviour which, if identified in the first instance, could have seen interventions planned and the fires, some of which result in fatalities, could have been prevented from even happening. There has never been more pressure on…
AI-powered predictions for fire safetyRead More →
Poplar HARCA extends IoT project with Aico
Poplar HARCA is extending its deployment of Aico’s HomeLink devices to around 6,000 homes after the success of its pilot project involving 500 homes at the end of 2022. Aico will be installing over 15,000 of its IoT-based HomeLink environmental sensors within the next 12 months. The HomeLink sensors collect data on temperature, humidity and…
Poplar HARCA extends IoT project with AicoRead More →
Artificial expectations?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is receiving widespread coverage in the media at the moment. On the one hand, people are marvelling at the apparent wonders of ChatGPT, while on the other people are asking what untrammelled AI might mean for jobs and human agency (notwithstanding the theoretical creation of artificial general intelligence [AGI] and/or fears of…
Artificial expectations?Read More →
Cyber-threats to IoT & OT technologies
As more housing providers migrate to the cloud, they’re gaining access to a wealth of tools and services that should benefit both their tenants and their businesses. However, when moving to the cloud, any organisation must overcome a few initial challenges that they might not have faced using a traditional IT set-up, and these hurdles…
Cyber-threats to IoT & OT technologiesRead More →
Spotting the signals of an impending cyber-breach
It’s hard to know what’s more challenging for housing providers these days – coping with the increase in the scale and complexity of cyber threats or managing the security tools to contain them and the noise they create. From talking to Sophos’s numerous housing clients, it’s clear that their IT environments are as complex and…
Spotting the signals of an impending cyber-breachRead More →