Historically, software and computer programs by their very nature have tended to be complicated. In order to allow technology to be more accessible and available, low-code solutions have been built that hide the complex code, algorithms and instructions behind simple, easy-to-learn and intuitive interfaces. Housing providers can now build, develop and deliver solutions that release…
Why go for low-code development?Read More →
South Yorkshire Housing moves to Node4’s cloud
South Yorkshire Housing is updating its entire IT infrastructure by swapping its traditional on-premise systems for a single set of cloud and co-location services from Node4. The housing provider’s replacement of multiple legacy providers with a single range of integrated systems from Node4 is part of SYH’s ongoing digital transformation programme and is intended to…
South Yorkshire Housing moves to Node4’s cloudRead More →
Low-code software in housing
Housing Technology interviewed low-code experts from Civica, Meritec, Mohara, Northgate Public Services and Rapid Information Systems on why and how housing providers should consider low code (or even ‘no code’) as a useful addition to their software development plans. What is ‘low code’ software? Benji Fisher, Mohara’s engagement lead, said, “Low-code tools are pieces of…
Low-code software in housingRead More →
Proptechs and IT start-ups in housing
Following our last overview of the start-up IT companies in our sector (see Housing Technology magazine, January 2020), we return again for 2021 with a selection of ‘proptech’ companies and IT start-ups that are devoting either all or most of their focus on developing exciting new technologies for social housing, based on the recommendations we…
Proptechs and IT start-ups in housingRead More →
Interview: FireAngel & NFCC – The future of fire safety for 2021 and beyond
FireAngel’s connected home director, James King, discusses the role digital technologies will play in the future of fire safety with Dan Daly, the National Fire Chiefs’ Council lead and former assistant commissioner for fire safety for the London Fire Brigade. James King: The National Fire Chiefs’ Council is working with every fire and rescue service…
Interview: FireAngel & NFCC – The future of fire safety for 2021 and beyondRead More →
Thrive Homes and CCHA go ‘digital first’ with Conosco
London-based IT service provider Conosco has been appointed by Croydon Churches Housing Association (CCHA) and Thrive Homes to introduce a ‘digital first’ approach as part of their respective digital transformation strategies. Conosco has revamped CCHA’s IT infrastructure and migrated its environment away from hosted servers to scalable cloud-based virtual machines, saving considerable IT maintenance and…
Thrive Homes and CCHA go ‘digital first’ with ConoscoRead More →