Housing Technology interviewed senior executives from Aareon UK, Accent Group, MIS-AMS, Northgate Public Services and Weaver Vale Housing Trust on how, when, where and why to consider in-house software development instead of buying off-the-shelf software from external IT suppliers. Why opt for DIY/in-house software development or external software? Accent Group’s digital development manager, Simon Green,…
In-house development vs. off-the-shelf softwareRead More →
Thrive Homes’ social hack to better security
As head of IT at Thrive Homes, John Stenton shares his thoughts on why he believes ‘people power’ is key to strengthening housing providers’ security. Let’s call her Gladys. She’s a lovely lady, one of the first in the office every morning. She is dedicated and hardworking, and she always has a smile and wants…
Thrive Homes’ social hack to better securityRead More →
Unpacking the Microsoft stack in housing
The Housing Technology 2020 conference in March seems a long time ago now and for many of us, it was the last time we networked and shared a drink or two; it’s safe to say life has changed considerably since then! In our conference presentation, we cast our minds back to 2019, a year of…
Unpacking the Microsoft stack in housingRead More →
Pragmatic data governance and protection
ParaDPO was one of the ‘IT accelerators’ at the Housing Technology 2020 conference earlier this year; this article is an abridged version of Neil Topping’s presentation at the conference. What we have been finding is that data protection officers (DPOs) are now leaving their posts because it has been over two years since GDPR came…
Pragmatic data governance and protectionRead More →
Cyber security during a crisis
All organisations, including housing providers and their partners, have had to rush into greatly expanded remote working arrangements because of the Covid-19 lockdown. For some, this has meant expanding existing well-controlled processes. For others, it has meant a panic trajectory where they have had difficulty acquiring equipment and have faced staff resistance. Some staff have…
Cyber security during a crisisRead More →
Making the most of a bad situation
Source: Clear Safety Clear Safety has recently expanded from mainly providing health and safety consultancy in the education sector to supporting housing providers with key compliance stream such as asbestos, fire and gas safety, legionella management, electrical safety, maintenance of lifts and door entry systems. Clear Safety’s IT systems had already undergone a recent upgrade…
Making the most of a bad situationRead More →