Britannic Technologies is offering its SaaS-based Inbox solution free to housing providers during the pandemic. Inbox acts as a triaging service, processing large volumes of digital interactions such as email, web chat, social messaging and WhatsApp messages, presenting housing providers’ call-centre agent with a single screen of all digital communications. Inbox enables organisations to only…
Britannic Technologies launches free digital serviceRead More →
Agile planning pays off for LFHA
Source: Leeds Federated Housing Leeds Federated Housing made the decision to work in a more agile way nearly two years ago. The aim was to make the business work smarter for customers and staff. Staff have been given the opportunity to work remotely and provided with a number of technological solutions so that they aren’t…
Agile planning pays off for LFHARead More →
Ethical IoT for housing
The internet of things offers significant opportunities for improving the lives of those in social housing and for service provision. The University of Bristol, Royal Borough of Greenwich, Believe Housing, Bromford Labs, Homelync and Bristol City Council’s City Innovation Team are conducting research to ensure our work is ethically sound and leads to beneficial outcomes…
Ethical IoT for housingRead More →
Good suppliers and bad suppliers at Trivallis
Our decision to remove Citrix and our thin-clients and replace them with laptops was completed just a few months ago. That decision, along with our implementation of Microsoft Teams has seen staff being able to work from home with the minimum of fuss and very few problems. The recent replacement of our firewall to give…
Good suppliers and bad suppliers at TrivallisRead More →
Can robots help housing providers through the coronavirus crisis?
Coronavirus is forcing housing providers to consider how they interact with tenants virtually and exposing holes in their current technology infrastructures. While this may prompt a greater urgency for digital transformation, RPA (robotic process automation) could solve some of today’s issues and be implemented today, even while offices are closed. What is RPA? Robotic process…
Can robots help housing providers through the coronavirus crisis?Read More →
The future of fire safety in social housing
Nick Rutter, chief product officer at FireAngel, explores the latest fire safety innovations available to housing providers to not only help achieve full compliance while minimising running costs but also provide intelligent, connected solutions that can be adapted for the future. From struggling to gain access to properties, to overcoming issues regarding the adequate measurement…
The future of fire safety in social housingRead More →