Dootrix has partnered with housing app developer Optus Homes for Azure cloud architectural consultancy and app development services. Optus Homes’ app, currently in development and previewed at Housing Technology 2020 this month, allows social and private tenants to manage their tenancy accounts with ease. By integrating with housing providers’ existing business applications, the app will…
Dootrix joins forces with Optus HomesRead More →
Cadcorp’s Power BI interactive visualisations
Cadcorp has developed a visualisation for Microsoft Power BI, allowing an interactive, user-defined map to be embedded into a Power BI report. The visualisation integrates corporate mapping served by Cadcorp SIS WebMap. Users can include their own data overlays to provide additional context for their Power BI business data. SIS WebMap for Power BI supports…
Cadcorp’s Power BI interactive visualisationsRead More →
Gas Tag opens Fire Door
Following the original development of its compliance technology for gas servicing in social housing, Gas Tag has launched Fire Door to cover fire safety compliance. Fire Door is an extension of Gas Tag’s existing technology. A physical tag is placed in a property and tracks all of the fire door inspections and servicing work. This…
Gas Tag opens Fire DoorRead More →
From technophobe to IT trainer – My journey to becoming a digital devotee
When I started working in PA Housing’s customer contact centre in Leicester three years ago, I was a complete technophobe – I didn’t even know how to use Excel. I’ve now helped on organisation-wide CRM projects and am helping to build a chatbot. I’m also the person who liaises between residents, staff members and the…
From technophobe to IT trainer – My journey to becoming a digital devoteeRead More →
Interview with Central Networks and Technologies
Modern IT is evolving at a faster rate than ever before, and new technologies are transforming services and customer expectations. Almost every organisation is focusing time on digital transformation; whether it’s improved customer communication channels or process automation, everyone is developing new ways of working. This added pressure on IT departments detracts from the management…
Interview with Central Networks and TechnologiesRead More →
Community Fibre upgrades social housing broadband
Community Fibre, a social housing-specific broadband provider, has announced an upgrade of its full-fibre packages available to housing providers, primarily in London. The new packages range from 1Gb/s (£50/month) to 50Mb/s (£20/month), which the company says are the most affordable and competitive rates in London. Graeme Oxby, CEO, Community Fibre, said, “Broadband has become an…
Community Fibre upgrades social housing broadbandRead More →