The social housing sector has embraced the internet’s ability to deliver efficiencies and enhance the experience of tenants. Web 1.0 saw housing groups establish websites that made details conveniently accessible to tenants online. Web 2.0 brought social media and applications to housing, along with interactive forms allowing tenants to carry out tasks such as making…
Social housing 3.0: the internet of thingsRead More →
Building the connected social home
Intelligent heating systems like Google’s Nest have launched the internet of things into the mainstream but how can this technology be harnessed to transform service delivery for housing providers and how can we build the connected social home? Back in June 2015, the Connected Home Consortium (a partnership of 15 housing providers interested in IoT…
Building the connected social homeRead More →
Big data in housing
Not so long ago, the biggest challenge for asset managers was capturing data. Obtaining a clear up-to-date picture of the condition of an estate, particularly gaining access into homes, was a hugely difficult task and lifecycle planning, as I well know from my days managing multi-million pound PFI budgets, often relied on good judgement and…
Big data in housingRead More →
Home Group invests in secure off site ‘metrocluster’ with ITPS
Home Group is reported to be the first housing provider to invest in an innovative ‘metrocluster’ high-security data storage system. Home Group worked with data centre and IT infrastructure experts ITPS to create an off-site data storage network more commonly seen in international finance corporations and telecoms providers. The metrocluster system sends sensitive data from…
Home Group invests in secure off site ‘metrocluster’ with ITPSRead More →
SCC wins 10-year contract with Oxford City Council
The five-year agreement, with the option to extend it by a further five years, sees SCC awarded a single contract by Oxford City Council to deliver data centre hosting, servers and storage, server technical support, database administration, and network security infrastructure. The contract is expected to save the council £150,000 per year. The contract is…
SCC wins 10-year contract with Oxford City CouncilRead More →
Visual surveillance evolves beyond CCTV
The concepts of natural selection and survival of the fittest are not limited to the natural world. The same principles can be applied to technology and the way it succeeds or fails. Some technological advances fall by the wayside, some thrive, some adapt, and some are superseded by technology that is better adapted to its…
Visual surveillance evolves beyond CCTVRead More →