Pinnacle Group has selected managed service provider Adapt to deliver a private cloud solution to underpin its key applications and create a more secure, stable technology environment to support future developments. Adapt has provided Pinnacle with its own fully scalable, secure dedicated private cloud; this will underpin 80 per cent of Pinnacle’s core applications and…
Pinnacle regenerates its IT infrastructure with Adapt’s HabitatRead More →
The need for digital services in housing
The importance of digital services has never been more apparent than in today’s society. Whether shopping online or collaborating across the globe, digital services provide us with new opportunities and as such, it is no surprise that more organisations are embracing them than ever before. According to research from Fujitsu looking into the UK’s digital…
The need for digital services in housingRead More →
Rhondda Housing on track for improvement with Neighbourhub
Neighbourhub, a partnership between Visualmetrics and Places for People, has signed a three year agreement with Rhondda Housing Association to deliver enhanced neighbourhood analysis and drive housing service delivery. Rhondda Housing will follow Neighbourhub’s five-step approach: The breakdown of existing housing stock groupings, and the creation of focused neighbourhood units. In-year and on-going monitoring of…
Rhondda Housing on track for improvement with NeighbourhubRead More →
Gloucester City Homes selects Exponential-e to boost support for tenants
Exponential-e has been selected by Gloucester City Homes to deliver cloud and networking services to support its move towards becoming a ‘digital-first’ organisation. Exponential-e will use its 100-gig Ethernet network to deliver a virtual desktop infrastructure that gives the housing provider’s employees access to a persistent, personal desktop from any device or location. Since all…
Gloucester City Homes selects Exponential-e to boost support for tenantsRead More →
Grenfell Housing’s cloud desktops from WorkPlaceLive
Following its decision to modernise and improve the reliability of its IT infrastructure and enable all staff to work remotely, Grenfell Housing & Training has implemented cloud-based desktops from WorkPlaceLive, a preferred supplier for the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and a specialist in providing cloud-based services for non-profit organisations. Outsourcing the IT systems to…
Grenfell Housing’s cloud desktops from WorkPlaceLiveRead More →
Family Mosaic focuses on Microsoft licensing with Phoenix Software
Phoenix Software has helped Family Mosaic to reduce its Microsoft licensing costs by 20 per cent, despite significant changes to Microsoft’s licensing arrangements for housing providers. Like most housing providers, Family Mosaic is a heavy user of Microsoft software for the day-to-day running of its business, partly because housing providers used to qualify for discounts…
Family Mosaic focuses on Microsoft licensing with Phoenix SoftwareRead More →