Neighbouring housing providers, Peaks & Plains Housing Trust in Macclesfield and Staffordshire Housing Group in Stoke-on-Trent, have joined forces to share back-up services with help from Keylogic. Instead of paying for separate back-up services from suppliers that were charging over £25,000 per year, the two housing providers decided to share resources, services and recovery space…
Peaks & Plains and Staffordshire Housing share back-up services with KeylogicRead More →
First Choice Homes’ hosted helpdesk from House-on-the-Hill
First Choice Homes Oldham’s ICT service delivery manager, David Gorman, describes the process of choosing and implementing House-on-the-Hill’s hosted helpdesk software. SupportDesk was recommended to me by a colleague who had seen it demonstrated at a conference. We were searching for a new service desk software tool that had the ability to be either hosted…
First Choice Homes’ hosted helpdesk from House-on-the-HillRead More →
Five into one at Together Housing with Mplsystems
Together Housing Group, which handles over 38,000 calls a month, has successfully migrated the telephony platforms of its five constituent housing organisations onto a single system from Mplsystems. After the group’s formation in 2011 to join five separate housing associations, it found that the various customer service centres were all using different telephony platforms, with…
Five into one at Together Housing with MplsystemsRead More →
Trent & Dove’s virtual infrastructure with Synapse360
Synapse360 has built a new virtual IT infrastructure for Trent & Dove Housing that provides both office-based and remote workers with fast and secure access to corporate systems. The new EMC-based infrastructure replaces the housing provider’s legacy hardware and the project is largely in response to the growing demand for ‘always on’ access to corporate…
Trent & Dove’s virtual infrastructure with Synapse360Read More →
Exponential IT changes at Gloucester City Homes
Gloucester City Homes is planning to upgrade its IT infrastructure, desktop and mobile working solutions to improve service access to tenants, enabling channel shifting and increased digital inclusion. The upgrade will be carried out by Exponential-e as part of a five-year contract to provision, manage and support GCH’s entire IT infrastructure. Underpinned by Exponential-e’s managed…
Exponential IT changes at Gloucester City HomesRead More →
Housing providers and the Internet of Things
A new report from Capita has suggested that housing providers should be looking at ways of harnessing the Internet of Things (IoT) to help increase efficiencies and improve their services to tenants. The paper, titled ‘Smarter property management: when the Internet of Things meets smart asset management’, explores how housing providers could use the IoT…
Housing providers and the Internet of ThingsRead More →