It seems that since time immemorial, the IT world has had its standard for measuring success. The much coveted ‘five nines’; the traditional promise of 99.999 per cent uptime for the business, and it is universally accepted that’s all you need to know or care about for business continuity. It covers the basics of ‘likelihood’…
You can’t protect yesterdayRead More →
Phoenix backs up Castle Vale
Castle Vale Community Housing Association has replaced its tape-based backup and recovery infrastructure with a cloud-based, managed service from Phoenix. The new service is faster and more reliable than its previous infrastructure and offers ‘pay as you grow’ scalability. Mohammed Sarfraz, IT & network administrator, Castle Vale Community Housing Association, said, “We need to ensure…
Phoenix backs up Castle ValeRead More →
Don’t take mobile coverage for granted
Mobile coverage is something most of us often take for granted. However, getting a mobile signal, let alone data coverage, in the middle of the countryside or in areas without much previous residential infrastructure can be difficult. Many new developments are being built on the outskirts of towns in areas without any history of residential…
Don’t take mobile coverage for grantedRead More →
Interview: Data centre services in housing
Housing Technology interviewed Kevin Kivlochan, sales and marketing director of ONI, on how housing providers could use data centre services. Why should housing providers look at data centres? At a time of ever-growing reliance on IT, all housing providers need internal and external systems to be reliable, scalable and, most importantly, secure. Long before universal…
Interview: Data centre services in housingRead More →
Railway Housing heads for the cloud with Civica
Railway Housing Association has reported that it has cut its IT costs by 30 per cent since it moved its infrastructure to a fully-managed cloud service from Civica. Railway Housing’s relationship with Civica dates back to 2001; at that time, it was technologically stuck in the past and required new systems that could help run…
Railway Housing heads for the cloud with CivicaRead More →
Making sense of big data
Sir – One of the hottest topics in technology over the past few years has undoubtedly been big data. This is essentially any data-set large and complex enough that it becomes difficult to process using traditional applications. The key question is: how can housing providers benefit from big data, and avoid it becoming a problem?…
Making sense of big dataRead More →