Infrastructure and managed service specialist ANS and internet connectivity provider Metronet have been chosen by First Choice Homes Oldham to implement a completely new IT infrastructure. The multi-year contract is reported to be worth over £1 million for ANS and around £200,000 for Metronet. The contract will support FCHO’S strategy of providing online customer self-service…
First Choice Homes signs with ANS and MetronetRead More →
Metronet in £45m buyout
The management team of Metronet (UK) has led a £45 million secondary buyout of the business, backed by ISIS Equity Partners. The company now has over 1,200 customers for its wireless, fibre and leased lines solutions, including around 30 housing associations such as Eastlands Homes, Trafford Housing Trust, Wythenshawe Housing, Irwell Valley Housing, City West,…
Metronet in £45m buyoutRead More →
Shared services, shared success
Towards the end of 2010, Severnside Housing and Shropshire Housing Group created an initiative to partner on the delivery of IT services to both organisations, now known as unITe Solutions. The original intention of the initiative was to provide IT resource-sharing for skills transfer, procurement savings and value for money by having greater buying power….
Shared services, shared successRead More →
SecurEnvoy’s tokenless two-factor authentication in housing
SecurEnvoy has developed a tokenless two-factor authentication method so that housing staff working remotely can easily and efficiently log into networks using devices such as smartphones. SecurEnvoy lets housing providers and local authorities use smartphones, laptops or tablets as authentication devices. One method is to send a dynamically-generated password to the employee’s mobile device via…
SecurEnvoy’s tokenless two-factor authentication in housingRead More →
Netwrix report on IT changes
A survey by Netwrix has found that almost 60 per cent of IT professionals have made undocumented changes to their IT systems that no one else knows about, and as many as 40 per cent of organisations don’t have any formal IT change management controls. Netwrix’s, ‘2014 State of IT Changes’ survey collected data from…
Netwrix report on IT changesRead More →
Big Data – The emergence of the enterprise data hub
Jack Norris, CMO for MapR Technologies, examines how an enterprise data hub provides an alternative to expanding data silos and spurs innovation within larger organisations. Organisations are increasingly becoming data driven. For commercial enterprises, data is effectively a competitive weapon that underpins innovation and differentiation. Data-driven companies are rapidly gaining market share and big data…
Big Data – The emergence of the enterprise data hubRead More →