Tower Hamlets Community Housing has signed a new seven-year contract with Sovereign Business Integration Group for an augmented IT service with additional flexibility and scope, extending its previous six-year contract with Sovereign. The new contract includes enhanced IT asset management, an upgrade to Tower Hamlets’ highly-resilient network, a dedicated service delivery manager from Sovereign to…
Sovereign extends IT contract with Tower HamletsRead More →
JetNexus replaces Windows for load-balancing at Newport City Homes
In April 2013, Newport City Homes replaced its poorly-performing Windows Server NLB with an advanced load-balancing appliance from JetNexus. The original system had resulted in the housing provider’s home page taking up to 20 seconds to load. Having previously used an external hosting company, NCH decided to bring its web services in-house due to an…
JetNexus replaces Windows for load-balancing at Newport City HomesRead More →
JMC IT supports merger of Harvest and Arena Housing
JMC IT has completed a large infrastructure implementation and application integration project for Your Housing Group, following its creation in 2012 from the merger of Harvest Housing Group with Arena Housing. In 2010, JMC IT was commissioned by Harvest Housing to develop a new IT platform designed around its DemandIT system, replacing an outdated IT…
JMC IT supports merger of Harvest and Arena HousingRead More →
Trent & Dove goes virtual with Synapse360
Synapse360 has completed the roll out of a new virtualised infrastructure for Trent and Dove Housing, based on EMC’s VSPEX reference architecture. The project began in November 2012, with the first phase completed in January 2013, with the infrastructure itself costing just under £100,000. The EMC-based infrastructure replaces Trent and Dove’s ageing server estate which…
Trent & Dove goes virtual with Synapse360Read More →
Exponential-e in with the G-Cloud
Exponential-e has just announced that it can now supply the UK public sector via the government’s G-Cloud (iii) with a range of cloud services, including computing, storage, memory and online backup services. The focus of the G-Cloud programme is to introduce cloud-based services into government departments, local authorities and the wider public sector. Through the…
Exponential-e in with the G-CloudRead More →
Your Housing moves its network to MDNX
MDNX is now running Your Housing Group’s wide area network across 60 sites in the north-west of England. The network will enable Your Housing to be more agile and flexible with its network through a ‘carrier integrator’ model, with the network being one of the first to be procured using the PSN Connectivity Framework Agreement….
Your Housing moves its network to MDNXRead More →