Black Country Housing Group had an IT infrastructure that was beginning to struggle to meet the demands of the organisation, and we recognised that we needed to invest further to secure the long-term stability and efficiency of our IT. Having made some investments in new blade technology, we also wanted to look at how to…
Black Country Housing goes virtualRead More →
Regenda 100 per cent wireless with Cisco Meraki
The Regenda Group is using cloud-based technology from Cisco Meraki to turn its new Merseyside office into a completely wireless environment, with two Cisco Meraki wireless access points connecting the housing provider’s array of mobile equipment to its corporate data network. The system was implemented by the Cisco partner Equanet. John Paul Petryczuk, ICT mobile…
Regenda 100 per cent wireless with Cisco MerakiRead More →
Exponential-e moves Viridian into the cloud
Viridian Housing has recently completed the transformation of its IT service infrastructure and datacentre which is now available as a cloud-based service from Exponential-e. The move to the cloud will provide Viridian’s 850 employees with a more flexible working environment and shift its ICT costs to a more efficient pay-by-usage model. Viridian’s cloud access is…
Exponential-e moves Viridian into the cloudRead More →
Britannic wins VMware accreditation
Britannic Technologies has secured Professional Service Provider status with VMware following over 18 months of development work on cloud and virtualisation solutions based on the VMware platform. Britannic has a considerable track record with VMware, having already built a VMware hosting platform that is now being delivered across three datacentres around the UK. Jonathan Sharp,…
Britannic wins VMware accreditationRead More →
Biscon Planning secures North Devon Homes
North Devon Homes has been working with Biscon Planning, a Gloucestershire-based risk and business continuity consultancy, for the past nine months to develop a business continuity management System to improve its resilience. The programme began with a series of meetings with key areas of NDH to identify the business-critical activities and the resources needed to…
Biscon Planning secures North Devon HomesRead More →
Cherchefelle outsources IT to Comtec
Comtec is providing Cherchefelle Housing Association with a fully-outsourced IT and telephony infrastructure. The implementation of the Citrix-based system followed the housing provider’s need to replace its outdated telephony system and server infrastructure, cater to a more mobile workforce, and accommodate new services. Cherchefelle was keen to implement resilient IT and communications systems that would…
Cherchefelle outsources IT to ComtecRead More →