How embracing new technologies can help with controlling and managing the changes in welfare reform, universal credit and Digital by Default. The need for ‘information insight’ in all organisations is a constant demand from the business and a perennial problem for IT. However, the basic building blocks of ‘people, process & technology’ have always been…
Data as a corporate assetRead More →
Review of Accent’s ‘TriStar’ ICT replacement project
Accent Group’s head of ICT, Stuart Duthie, discusses the recent modernisation of the housing provider’s complete IT infrastructure. Accent Group has recently modernised its entire ICT environment, replacing seven legacy systems in three housing associations with a single group-wide system supplied by MIS Active Management Systems. Rather than just replacing the systems, Accent took the…
Review of Accent’s ‘TriStar’ ICT replacement projectRead More →
Tower Hamlets extends Sovereign contract
Tower Hamlets Community Housing said that it has extended its contract with Sovereign Business Integration Group for outsourced ICT for another year. Sovereign’s original contract covered all of Tower Hamlet’s IT requirements, including support for its core housing systems as well as its technical IT infrastructure. Since outsourcing its IT to Sovereign, Tower Hamlets has…
Tower Hamlets extends Sovereign contractRead More →
SharePoint 2010 at Golden Gates with ISG Technology
Continuing last issue’s story about Golden Gates Housing and ISG Technology (July 2012, page 22), the housing provider has now signed a contract for Microsoft SharePoint 2012 with the technology provider. The contract is worth in the region of £100,000. ISG’s implementation of SharePoint will provide Golden Gates with a unified platform for internal communications…
SharePoint 2010 at Golden Gates with ISG TechnologyRead More →
North Lincolnshire launches commercial broadband
North Lincolnshire Homes has expanded its innovative broadband service (see Housing Technology, March 2012) into a successful commercial proposition with the launch of the Diamond-Net service for its own tenants, private customers and local businesses. Housing Technology interviewed Mike Eckersley, head of ICT at North Lincolnshire Homes and one of founders of the new initiative….
North Lincolnshire launches commercial broadbandRead More →
Can managed print services help with budget cuts?
The effects of the Government’s £4 billion budget cuts for social housing are far from over. Most of you will have seen staff redundancies, fewer affordable homes delivered and more people added to England’s 4.5 million housing waiting list. Budgets are under greater scrutiny as housing providers scramble to help families into homes, so it…
Can managed print services help with budget cuts?Read More →