Having successfully moved to an almost 100 per cent virtual infrastructure, Together Housing Group has just completed the implementation of a virtual backup and replication system from Veeam. Backup times have now been halved, recovery times cut by 80 per cent and overall the new system is saving THG more than £70,000 per year in…
Together Housing goes virtual with VeeamRead More →
Exponential-e networks Thames Valley Housing
Thames Valley Housing has escaped the restrictions of its legacy infrastructure with a new nine-site network from Exponential-e. The virtual private LAN service (VPLS) has removed TVH’s previous bandwidth restrictions and provides more support for large business applications. Exponential-e’s new network also covered the temporary relocation of TVH’s headquarters for a year during refurbishments. Gerard…
Exponential-e networks Thames Valley HousingRead More →
Partick Housing heads for Castle’s cloud
Glasgow-based Partick Housing Association is moving its IT infrastructure to a private cloud-based service from Castle Computer Services. The new service is expected to be operational by August 2012, with the aim for achieving greater efficiency and performance alongside better business continuity. Arlene Casey, ICT manager, Partick Housing Association, said, “The move to a private…
Partick Housing heads for Castle’s cloudRead More →
An insider’s view of the 4G trials
4G is like lightning – it’s an eye opener and seriously enhances the mobile data experience. Trefor Davies, CTO of Timico, writes about O2’s exciting 4G trials in London and explores how the technology is going to change the mobile game, as well as offering a great solution for internet connectivity in social housing. Mobile…
An insider’s view of the 4G trialsRead More →
Making IT simple
The announcement in the 2012 Budget that, “further measures to deregulate and simplify the planning system [will be] introduced” was swiftly followed by the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which reduced more than 1,000 pages of planning guidance to around 50 pages. The changes, which have been welcomed by the National Housing…
Making IT simpleRead More →
JMC completes £2m contract to merge Arena and Harvest
JMC IT has just completed a two-phase, 18-month project for the merger of Manchester’s Harvest Housing Group and Liverpool’s Arena Housing Group to form Your Housing Group. The new group will now own and manage around 32,000 properties in the North West, Yorkshire and the Midlands. Salford-based JMC originally won the initial £600,000 tender against…
JMC completes £2m contract to merge Arena and HarvestRead More →