There are many virtualisation terms today, such as VDI (virtualised desktop infrastructure), hosted virtual desktop (Gartner) and centralised virtualised desktop (IDC) – these solutions have been available for a while, although with some setbacks and nuances. Today, VDI is a very competitive and functional infrastructure and one that should be considered in all IT strategies….
Next-generation workspaces – virtual desktops & rich media servicesRead More →
£330k desktop transformation at Yorkshire Housing with Assist
Yorkshire Housing is expected to announce the completion of its desktop transformation project in November 2011 as part of its relocation of 27 existing offices to a single main office in Leeds. Assist is managing the installation of a new thin-client platform and rolling out a XenDesktop migration for 1000 seats in preparation for the…
£330k desktop transformation at Yorkshire Housing with AssistRead More →
Notting Hill Housing in £7m outsourcing deal with Advanced 365
Notting Hill Housing Trust has chosen Advanced 365 to deliver a private cloud managed IT service for four years with the option of extending it for a further two years. The contract is reported to be worth around £7.4 million, with the final phase of the outsourced IT service scheduled for completion by the end…
Notting Hill Housing in £7m outsourcing deal with Advanced 365Read More →
Sovereign launches datacentre service
With the launch of its new Data CentrePlus service, Sovereign Business Integration is expanding its services to provide co-location, hosting, managed IT and outsourced IT services. The new ‘Metro Point’ data centre is 14 miles north of central London and within the M25. Richard Barker, CEO, Sovereign Business Integration, said, “We have been offering data-centre…
Sovereign launches datacentre serviceRead More →
InCommunities’ IP-telephony with Intrinsic
Intrinsic Technology has completed a complete IP-based telephony upgrade at InCommunities including a new Nortel-based customer contact centre. Intrinsic upgraded InCommunities’ call server with Nortel Call Server software as the foundation for the new contact centre and for new technologies to improve communications. These changes to the call server allowed Incommunities to use Microsoft Exchange…
InCommunities’ IP-telephony with IntrinsicRead More →
Business-critical clouds
As shown by our frequent coverage of cloud computing and, to a lesser extent, virtualisation in recent issues of Housing Technology, they are clearly both hot topics for 2011 and beyond. Mark Johnson, ConvergeOne’s managing director, explains some of the benefits of moving to the cloud. In essence, cloud computing is simply a practical way…
Business-critical cloudsRead More →