Villages Housing is implementing Clearview’s enterprise search engine-based business intelligence and reporting suite in order to make sense of all the data it holds across disparate systems. Villages recognised that the volume of data it held had increased significantly since the Capita IBS applications were installed in 2008. This growth of data has been generated…
Enterprise search & BI from Clearview for Villages HousingRead More →
Performance Management
Better performance at Radian
Radian has transformed its business performance in the past five years by improving the engagement levels of its employees. Through working with the market research company Orc International since 2009, the housing provider has demonstrated that there is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and employee engagement, staff turnover and sickness absence. Between 2010 and…
Better performance at RadianRead More →
Money in, money out
As we mention in our feature article and focus on technology for risk management (pages 24-28), performance management and risk management can be considered as two sides of the same coin. While performance management software enables housing providers to fine-tune and quantify their operations for greater productivity and efficiency, risk management software gives them the…
Money in, money outRead More →
Will the new data protection rules expose your insecurities?
From Paul Wood, assistant director of Montal IT Consulting. A survey done by the UK Information Commissioners office in May 2013 among 506 staff who described themselves as having responsibility for Data Protection showed that not one of them could accurately describe the effect the new European legislation would have on the current Data Protection…
Will the new data protection rules expose your insecurities?Read More →
Risk or no risk? – We decide
From Mandy Dunstan, head of business transformation at The Barnet Group. As part of Housing Technology’s series of articles from The Barnet Group and their IT transformation, this issue we’re looking at how the housing provider deals with risk. It’s impossible to embark on an IT transformation project of this size without factoring in risk….
Risk or no risk? – We decideRead More →
Keystone launches risk management tool
Keystone, well known for its asset management systems, has added a risk management product to its portfolio. Keystone Risk Management (KRM) focuses on meeting any property risk management need, but is expected to be mainly used for fire risk and legionella monitoring. Rob Hewes, client relationship manager, Keystone, said, “We are naturally influenced by our…
Keystone launches risk management toolRead More →