Having used Clearview Systems’ customer service improvement modules for the last 12 months, Rooftop Housing Group has reported measurable productivity improvements and better HouseMark results. Charles Brotherton, financial director, Rooftop Housing Group, said, “The total quantifiable benefits from the Clearview initiative amount to ongoing productivity improvements of around £65,000 per year.” In addition to its…
Rooftop performs with ClearviewRead More →
Performance Management
Coactiva adds mapping to Aspireview
Coactiva Aspiren has just released a new mapping module for its Aspireview enterprise performance management system. The new module means that users can now view and analyse their performance data from Aspireview on a fully-interactive Bing-based map. The Maps module displays a company’s performance data and points of interest on an interactive map, with drill-down…
Coactiva adds mapping to AspireviewRead More →
Coactiva links with HouseMark
Coactiva Aspiren has joined HouseMark’s initiative to make it for easier for HouseMark members to submit their benchmarking data. Coactiva’s system integrates the submission of HouseMark benchmarking information into a single web-based interface, removing data-entry duplication and automating more of the validation processes. The system also allows multiple people within an organisation to work simultaneously,…
Coactiva links with HouseMarkRead More →
Clearview boosts Cunninghame and Wrekin’s performance
Cunninghame Housing Association and Wrekin Housing Trust are implementing Clearview’s performance management software to create a ‘golden thread’ of accountability and reporting from their boards down to individual members of staff. Cunninghame and Wrekin are both using Clearview to replace multiple, disparate reporting systems and spreadsheets. Jon Lamb, head of finance, Wrekin Housing Trust, said,…
Clearview boosts Cunninghame and Wrekin’s performanceRead More →
CHIC chooses Covalent
The Central Housing Investment Consortium, comprising eight housing providers in the Midlands, is using performance management software from Covalent to monitor and manage the costs and delivery of its services. The Covalent system will be used by CHIC to monitor KPIs at various levels ranging from high-level indicators relating to all work streams down to…
CHIC chooses CovalentRead More →
Getting business intelligence right
A new report commissioned by Clearview Systems provides some interesting insights around business intelligence in housing. The ‘Effective Business Intelligence and Reporting in Social Housing’ report (March 2011) found that: There is a lack of overall vision for business intelligence across most organisations. Current BI systems are silo-based, expensive and considered to be technical tools…
Getting business intelligence rightRead More →