As part of the company’s digital inclusion strategy, Trident Housing’s ICT team has delivered state-of-the-art facilities which support some of the most vulnerable people living in supported and general needs accommodation across the Midlands.
Working with stakeholders including some of the residents themselves, the Trident team ensured that the computer facilities were suitable; technical requirements could not be underestimated, ranging from 3-D graphics, office software, video software, and on the hardware side, some are HP all-in-one flat screen PCs, and others are good-spec desktops with low output energy screens that also switch off automatically to save energy. Some sites have un-contested speeds of 100Mb upload and download.
Ed Reed, head of ICT, Trident Social Investment Group, said “It was instilled into our team and our broadband provider that they needed to understand their unique role and work as a cohesive unit in order to deliver not only the hardware and software, but also the support, training, back-up, and advice to residents regarding digital inclusion and universal credit. We have since set up job clubs, silver-surfer clubs and computer training across eight sites.”
The Trident digital inclusion programme has been a great success, having positively affected at least 1,300 residents, with the future possibility of reaching as many as 37,000 people via local community access.