The social housing sector is at significant and growing risk of disruptive incidents that can affect housing providers and their tenants. The fallout from the Grenfell Tower fire has rightly heightened all housing providers’ sensitivity to their duty of care towards tenants when a potentially life-threatening disaster strikes; even a lift breakdown in a tower…
Mitigating business disruption eventsRead More →
Contributed Articles
Adapting to changing customer expectations
With the arrival of the fourth industrial age, we have all experienced changes to our everyday lives that were at one time beyond the scope of our dreams. As consumers of products and services, our expectations around ease of transacting have been transformed and we want efficient, effective interactions, personalised to our needs. Housing providers…
Adapting to changing customer expectationsRead More →
Outsourcing and shared services
In recent years, shared services and outsourced services have tended to morph into a single area as housing providers seek to optimise budgets. The original objective was to collaborate within the sector, to effectively share the provision of a service by one part of an organisation or group, but this only took into account the…
Outsourcing and shared servicesRead More →
Housing procurement and Brexit
At the time of writing (early March 2019), Britain will exit the EU at 23:00 on Friday 29 March. You might also be aware that the Public Procurement Regulations 2015, which are the UK’s transposition of European procurement rules into domestic law, apply to the social housing sector. A no-deal Brexit is currently still a…
Housing procurement and BrexitRead More →
Smartline’s e-health pilot project
Poor housing has been shown to have a major impact on people’s health and quality of life. The Cornish research and innovation project Smartline is collecting data from environmental sensors fitted in the homes of social housing tenants in order to explore how technology can be used to improve the health and wellbeing of local…
Smartline’s e-health pilot projectRead More →
How low can you go?
My experience working with social housing providers regularly highlights what a huge challenge it is to be a ‘good’ landlord. Against a backdrop of regulatory change, budget cuts, skills shortages and the pressure to modernise, IT departments and digital teams struggle to provide the levels of customer service and employee satisfaction needed to deliver a…
How low can you go?Read More →