Analysing delivery effectiveness and expenditure around responsive repairs through best-practice performance reporting remains a largely unsolved challenge in the housing sector. Too many companies are blissfully unaware of their real expenditure in delivering services, their performance against basic tenant expectations, and the tenant covenant, and the potential saving for reinvestment they could achieve through best-practice…
Measuring your responsive repairs’ performanceRead More →
Contributed Articles
Bridging the digital divide makes economic and social sense
2013 is the year when benefit payments will be made online. For many housing associations in the UK, this will create challenges around how their tenants access this money and use it to pay their rents. But this also presents an opportunity to get tenants using the internet now to not only pay bills but…
Bridging the digital divide makes economic and social senseRead More →
In the frame for IT procurement
The last four years have been a rollercoaster ride for IT directors and external IT providers and consultants in the housing sector. Housing providers are increasingly turning to the structures and procurement boundaries created by framework agreements to help with governance, auditable accounting and cost savings. The role of IT directors within housing is becoming…
In the frame for IT procurementRead More →
Managing supplier performance
Demonstrating IT services’ value-for-money is now firmly on everyone’s agenda. I attended an excellent session at this year’s Housing Technology conference where the finance director of a London housing association provided great insight into what is important at an executive level; one of the key points he made was, “How will IT, and the suppliers…
Managing supplier performanceRead More →
Going Dutch – The new way we work
Henk Korevaar from Ffectis and Micky Kieboom from Ymere Housing in the Netherlands report on their adoption of ‘ the new way of working’ – the effective use of the bricks, bytes, bikes, business and behaviour (the five Bs) to improve productivity and accommodate flexibility in the Dutch social housing sector. The New Way of…
Going Dutch – The new way we workRead More →
Making IT simple
The announcement in the 2012 Budget that, “further measures to deregulate and simplify the planning system [will be] introduced” was swiftly followed by the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which reduced more than 1,000 pages of planning guidance to around 50 pages. The changes, which have been welcomed by the National Housing…
Making IT simpleRead More →