There is little doubt that the introduction of Universal Credit is one of the biggest threats this decade to a housing provider’s income. The change to benefits being paid to tenants, and the new responsibility for housing providers to collect the credit allocated for rent, is one that few providers are equipped to tackle. Many…
Who’s afraid of Universal Credit?Read More →
Contributed Articles
Imagining future housing systems
I have recently been thinking about the majority of housing systems being used by housing providers. It seems to me that almost all of the systems we use were designed and built in the last century. Although it’s true that these systems have been developed, extended and modified continually over their lifecycles, we should not…
Imagining future housing systemsRead More →
GIS – Where are your assets?
Central to the cost-effective delivery of housing repairs and maintenance and tenant services is knowing the precise location of all housing stock. It might sound obvious, but being certain of where flats and homes are in relation to their environment and the nearest depot makes everyone’s job easier. What housing providers and their contractors therefore…
GIS – Where are your assets?Read More →
Better performance management with data integration
Aspirations and expectations of delivering exemplary customer service and an engaging community strategy have never been greater within the housing sector. Business executives and stakeholders continue to place ever-increasing importance on these values and are always looking for solutions to help raise standards and improve tenant satisfaction. My experience is that the key to achieving…
Better performance management with data integrationRead More →
Data warehousing for better performance
Why has performance management in the social housing sector failed to deliver? Traditionally, performance management and reporting has focused on boardroom measures and regulatory compliance. In most cases, gathering and distributing this information is a manual process, resulting in a substantial drain on time and resources and making it costly to produce, prone to errors…
Data warehousing for better performanceRead More →
Data centres – How greener technology can save you money
Carbon taxes, energy costs and public awareness are driving most companies, including housing providers, to run more sustainable operations and increase energy efficiency. One of the biggest energy guzzlers in any large organisation is its data management operations. In previous editions of Housing Technology, my colleagues have discussed the problems and costs associated with storing…
Data centres – How greener technology can save you moneyRead More →