Communication and collaboration are more critical than ever in today’s enterprise, and as collaborative applications continue to advance, new themes are evolving that challenge the way companies traditionally operate. These themes include: Borderless enterprises – in the past, companies viewed themselves as siloed entities, with a unique enterprise perimeter meant to isolate external and internal…
The importance of a collaboration strategyRead More →
Contributed Articles
Choosing a cloud services provider – Know what you’re buying
I was reassured to read in the last issue of Housing Technology’s ‘Editor’s Notes’ that housing providers are now very willing to embrace the benefits of cloud computing. The editorial suggested that “the sector’s adoption and use of IT is now catching up with and eclipsing other public and private sectors”. It highlights a trend…
Choosing a cloud services provider – Know what you’re buyingRead More →
Business process outsourcing in housing – What’s next?
Your IT infrastructure is sorted out, you have all the right software platforms in place, so it’s time to sit back and relax… or is it? Business process outsourcing (BPO) is joining the likes of cloud computing, software as a service, social media and ‘Digital by Default’ as a key consideration on the agendas of…
Business process outsourcing in housing – What’s next?Read More →
Keep it simple – How to solve your component accounting requirements
With only three months to go until the deadline for SORP compliance, you may well have done (or not!) most of the work on your component accounting which is now sitting in a spreadsheet. You have perhaps read the articles about all-singing and all-dancing asset management systems (see Housing Technology, November 2011) and are now…
Keep it simple – How to solve your component accounting requirementsRead More →
Tackling tenancy fraud
The Audit Commission estimated the level of tenancy fraud as involving 50,000 properties in 2009, while official figures from the National Fraud Authority suggest that it costs the public purse £900 million a year, but fraud analysts believe the figure may be even higher. The topic of housing fraud is extremely high profile at the…
Tackling tenancy fraudRead More →
Eliminating knowledge decay in call centres
In a recent SKS survey, we found that nearly half of all call centre managers admitted customer satisfaction levels of less than 40 per cent, and our research suggests that the reason why customers are so dissatisfied can ultimately be traced back to the phenomenon we term ‘knowledge decay’. The knowledge which we refer to…
Eliminating knowledge decay in call centresRead More →