It is well known that technology is always promising world-changing developments just around the corner. However, in the case of social media, its reality does seem to be living up to its hype. A week hardly goes by without social media being the conduit for a breaking news story, outing a celebrity scandal or even…
Embracing social media in housingRead More →
Contributed Articles
Business-critical clouds
As shown by our frequent coverage of cloud computing and, to a lesser extent, virtualisation in recent issues of Housing Technology, they are clearly both hot topics for 2011 and beyond. Mark Johnson, ConvergeOne’s managing director, explains some of the benefits of moving to the cloud. In essence, cloud computing is simply a practical way…
Business-critical cloudsRead More →
Innovation vs. the status quo
Looking at IT marketing today, you might think that everyone was deploying the latest and greatest technologies as soon as they hit the market. While the suggested benefits of many new technologies such as cloud computing and virtualisation are appealing, the reality for many companies is that the cost and time taken to ‘keep the…
Innovation vs. the status quoRead More →
Smart generation meets cloud computing
What’s been dubbed the ‘bring your own device’ trend is just the latest example of the influence of the emerging ‘smart generation’, people who will happily switch between PC, tablet and smartphone and see no need for a desk phone or, indeed in some cases, a desk. In many companies, these employees are driving real…
Smart generation meets cloud computingRead More →
Cloud computing & software as a service
Early in the 20th century, manufacturers began to rely on electricity as a means of powering their machinery. They therefore needed to build and maintain power plants filled with complex machinery. The need to run 24 hours a day meant expensive three-shift rotas for staff and complex maintenance routines to minimise downtime and disruption. Whenever…
Cloud computing & software as a serviceRead More →
Technology adoption & business change
When you are the leader of an organisation making change decisions, there are naturally risks and concerns. But when you are the engineer, technician, plumber or carpenter working for that organisation, the business changes can have a far deeper impact. Whether they feel uncomfortable, anxious or just fearful of the consequences, the adoption of new…
Technology adoption & business changeRead More →