You could practically hear the sigh of relief as the 3rd May deadline passed for registered providers to submit their bids to the Homes and Communities Agency for grant funding under the Affordable Housing Programme 2011-2015 Framework. Registered Providers have had their heads down working up their offers to the HCA since the launch of…
Tribal perspective on Affordable RentRead More →
Contributed Articles
Value for money leads to innovation
As one of the sponsors of the Housing Technology 2011 ‘Blueprint for IT’ market intelligence report, we were very keen to see this year’s publication and to see how themes and trends are developing in the housing sector. This year’s report provides excellent analysis of the direction of the market and a very clear message…
Value for money leads to innovationRead More →
Think internet first
Housing providers face dramatic funding cuts at a time of rising social needs, while calls for the sector to deploy a housing network act as an springboard for those most in need. At Race Online 2012, we see technology as the way to meet these twin imperatives; it allows housing providers to deliver more for…
Think internet firstRead More →
Sorting out your asset register
It has become increasingly important for housing providers to maintain good information about the assets they hold in addition to that which they need for day-to-day operations or accounts. The principle purposes are: Charging properties to lenders; Valuations for loan security or balance sheet purposes; Regulatory reports, including NROSH; Active asset management, where properties may…
Sorting out your asset registerRead More →
Getting the bandwidth you need
The squeeze on budgets affecting both the private and public sector has given a new urgency to the age-old business question – how can we get more from fewer financial resources? Construction projects reportedly fell by 30 per cent in the last three months of 2010. Housing initiatives are seeing drastic cuts. And the National…
Getting the bandwidth you needRead More →
How can IT suppliers deliver better value?
I recently attended the Housing Technology 2011 conference in Nottingham, which opened with Professor Morris Pentel from the Customer Experience Foundation talking about the future of technology in housing. He was followed by excellent breakout sessions from both IT suppliers and housing providers where, not surprisingly, a common theme was innovative ways of delivering better…
How can IT suppliers deliver better value?Read More →