In an ideal world, it’s difficult to think of any good reason why you wouldn’t want all of your contact centre agents to be able to handle any customer requirement. The benefits are obvious – no need for an IVR to route callers to a specific team, customer service is improved as callers aren’t bounced…
Agent multi-skilling – pipedream or viable strategy to optimise customer service?Read More →
Contributed Articles
Making performance management work
Performance management has received a lot of attention in the housing sector over the past few years, and rightly so. If housing providers are to improve front-line services and make cost savings, they must have a true understanding of how the business is performing, not just high-level percentages and generalised data. The last year or…
Making performance management workRead More →
Tenant portals – supporting your staff & your residents
Many housing providers are being turned on to the benefits of tenant portals. Allowing residents to pay rent and log repairs online can encourage the prompt resolution of issues, free up time for housing staff and aid the improvement of call-response SLAs, but has the full potential of an intelligently-deployed tenant portal been properly explored?…
Tenant portals – supporting your staff & your residentsRead More →
How smart are your houses?
Managing the energy consumption of your housing stock is a challenge that, with legislative changes, will become one of the critical issues of the next decade. The recent Ofgen / DECC consultation is still being reviewed with an announcement expected in early 2011. The expectation is that smart metering technologies will play a major part…
How smart are your houses?Read More →
Streamlining processes & improving service effectiveness
There is continued pressure for housing providers to be more responsive in handling calls from their residents within the confines of limited budgets. It is therefore not surprising that efficiency and effectiveness are two words you always hear when speaking to contact centre managers. Peter Graddon, a director of Omfax Systems, discusses how to improve…
Streamlining processes & improving service effectivenessRead More →
Housing intranets and extranets – simple, fresh & clear
Few weeks go by without another new software solution aimed at solving an age-old problem faced by private and public sector organisations alike: namely, how to make policies and procedures easily available to all staff and how to keep them up to date. But against the backdrop of spending cuts and uncertainty over further financial…
Housing intranets and extranets – simple, fresh & clearRead More →