Paul Rowley, head of information services and performance at Havebury Housing Partnership, explains the implementation of performance management software and its impact on the organisation. Historically, the production of our quarterly performance reports was very labour-intensive due to the data collection methods involved, with the data typically out of date before the report was even…
Delivering performance managementRead More →
Contributed Articles
IT rental – Is it right for you?
Joanna Sedley-Burke, business development director at Sovereign Business Integration, considers how an IT rental model could help housing providers cut costs. Are housing providers wasting valuable capital resources on purchasing IT equipment? In light of the government’s recent housing budget cuts and the pressure on cost-savings across all public sector organisations, it is increasingly important…
IT rental – Is it right for you?Read More →
Securing your future through technology
Necessity is the mother of invention, never more so than when the government of the day presents you with budget cuts of 25 per cent or more. Accustomed to regarding their ICT systems as tiresome obligations that soak up money, housing providers need to start thinking of these systems as weapons in their survival armoury…
Securing your future through technologyRead More →
The Wisdom of Clouds
Stefan Haase from Intechnology explains how a virtual hosting service provides access to cloud-based virtual servers and can transform IT provision within the housing sector. With virtualisation now firmly established on the IT agenda, the focus is very much on how fast and how far the enterprise will push the technology. Conversely, it’s important to…
The Wisdom of CloudsRead More →
Streamlining Processes & Improving Service Effectiveness
There is continued pressure for housing providers to be more responsive in handling calls from their residents within the confines of limited budgets. It is therefore not surprising that efficiency and effectiveness are two words you always hear when speaking to contact centre managers. Peter Graddon, a director of Omfax Systems, discusses how to improve…
Streamlining Processes & Improving Service EffectivenessRead More →
Turning on shared service centres
Not so long ago the call centre industry in the UK employed over one million people and was a major contributor to the GDP, listed in the top five industries by the Department of Employment in 1998. How things have changed. In the space of 12 years, the rise of outsourcing and off-shoring has transformed…
Turning on shared service centresRead More →