n the light of the government’s Digital Britain report, Teresa Robbins, director of Isrighthere, looks at how housing providers and local authorities should address the delivery of high-speed broadband to tenants and citizens. Across the country, projects to install high-speed broadband into housing blocks and developments have ground to a halt. Councils have instead been…
Addressing the digital divideRead More →
Contributed Articles
Virtualisation for all?
Server virtualisation is fast becoming a universal technology, with much talk about its reliability and scalability. This overlooks the fact that it is also incredibly useful for smaller organisations, such as housing associations, and does not need much training to use it. Server virtualisation is suitable for almost every organisation that we’ve come across. There…
Virtualisation for all?Read More →
Getting serious about security
rances Hipple, a senior consultant for NCC Group, explains how housing providers will need to improve their security in order to exchange information with and connect to local authority networks and systems. In order for local authorities (LAs) to securely communicate and transmit information with the government, they will be required to connect to the…
Getting serious about securityRead More →
Dataday management
Data controllers beware – from 6 April 2010, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the body responsible for enforcing data protection regulation in the UK, will enjoy new powers to fine data controller organisations that commit a serious data breach. For a housing provider or other organisation to be fined: It will need to have committed…
Dataday managementRead More →
Bromsgrove District Housing capturing customer data on the move
Marie Hailing, community services manager at Bromsgrove District Housing Trust, outlines how the organisation has deployed a new BlackBerry-based system to help housing officers capture key customer data while out in the community. Bromsgrove District Housing Trust has eight housing officers, each of whom manages a local area and has responsibilities including introducing new tenants…
Bromsgrove District Housing capturing customer data on the moveRead More →
Convergence – the key to flexible working?
Next-generation network (NGN) solutions have the power to fundamentally change the way we work. The technological revolution in the workplace pours information into our lives and we are faced with the challenge of using this information effectively. The wide variety of public sector organisations and the range of disparate services they deliver further compounds this…
Convergence – the key to flexible working?Read More →