Robert Dent, CEO of mobile technology provider 1st Touch, has seen significant service improvements delivered to tenants following the adoption of mobile technology. Indeed, looking behind the hype he reviews the impact of the technology and looks forwards to 2010. Having previously grown a UK software company over seven years into one of Europe’s leading…
Social mobility is the way forwardRead More →
Contributed Articles
The ‘less paper’ office, not a paper-less office
Ian Keers OBE, managing director of Cave Tab explains how housing providers can move towards a ‘less paper’ office. As the housing sector faces stricter regulatory and legal requirements, coupled with rising tenant expectations and ambitious post-Gershon efficiency targets, managing the exponential volume of paperwork is a major challenge. As a result, many organisations are…
The ‘less paper’ office, not a paper-less officeRead More →
Bandwidth – Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should
Richard Barker, CEO of Sovereign Business Integration, argues that the recession will turn IT white elephants into endangered species. The past decade has been defined by conspicuous consumption across the board. The cheaper goods have become, the more the nation has bought. And the IT department has been one of the biggest culprits in encouraging…
Bandwidth – Just because you can, doesn’t mean you shouldRead More →
Out with the old, in with the new
Neil Jones, head of IS at Newport City Homes, explains how the transfer of Newport City Council’s properties to NCH has required a completely new enterprise-wide technology and telephony infrastructure. Newport City Homes, one of the largest social landlords in Wales, was established in March 2009 after a stock transfer of around 9100 properties from…
Out with the old, in with the newRead More →
Tenant collaboration and participation
Unified communications has the power to change the dynamics of housing associations for the better. This is the message that ONI has been working to demonstrate across the sector by introducing new technologies that help reduce costs, maximise staff efficiency and drive customer service excellence. But what is the next stage of transformation for these…
Tenant collaboration and participationRead More →
Use your voice
James Kippenberger, UK sales director for BigHand, explains how housing providers can get more done by installing voice productivity software (VPS). Used by thousands of organisations around the world, VPS enables end-users to record, edit and send voice files or verbal tasks via smartphones to office-based resources and access round-the-clock outsourced services. VPS recordings submitted…
Use your voiceRead More →