Social housing is always changing and adapting to meet the needs of a growing population, not to mention adhering to standards issued by the government. But no matter how fast social housing changes, technology invariably changes faster. New technology and software is often exciting, groundbreaking and can promise a new era of productivity and efficiency….
Future of IT in UK social housingRead More →
Contributed Articles
Seamless integration – the death of the RSL super system
One of the key factors in procuring a new computer system is how well it will integrate with existing systems and report across different databases, while also avoiding any duplication of data input and storage. This led to the idea of the RSL ‘Super System’. The Super System can be thought of as being a…
Seamless integration – the death of the RSL super systemRead More →
10 Commandments for public procurement
With the economy putting pressure on IT budgets, growing demand for IT departments to support organisations’ business goals, and greater regulatory oversight, the procurement process is becoming more important. With that in mind, law firm Clarke Willmott has detailed its ‘ten commandments’ for anyone involved in public procurement. 1. Thou shalt not commit negotiations –…
10 Commandments for public procurementRead More →
It’s good to talk
Richard Quine, director of product management and development at InTechnology, explains how push-to-talk technology can help housing staff perform better while keeping their employers on the right side of the law The nature of the housing sector is that invariably any communications system needs to take account of the disparate and diverse needs of those…
It’s good to talkRead More →
Making a business case for mobile working
Mobile working systems have proven to be one of the most successful ways for housing organisations to deliver transformation and efficiency savings. They offer numerous benefits, from cost reductions and improved customer service to lower carbon emissions and better staff retention. However to gain funding for a mobile system, you need to build a realistic…
Making a business case for mobile workingRead More →
The reality of super-fast fibre
The ultimate broadband technology uses optical fibre from the service provider all the way to the home, known as fibre-to-the-home (FTTH). Housing providers, local authorities, utility companies and telecoms providers are becoming increasingly committed to widespread FTTH rollout for a host of benefits such as enhanced quality of life for citizens, environmental sustainability, local economic…
The reality of super-fast fibreRead More →