In a little over 18 months’ time, the Decent Homes legislation comes into force, with 95 per cent of all social housing organisations expected to be fully compliant. Yet despite Government targets being outlined as early as 2000, there are fears that many housing associations and councils have done little to ensure that their housing…
Technology for Decent HomesRead More →
Contributed Articles
Online and on target
The increasing pressure to enhance efficiency by cutting costs, as well as deliver outstanding customer service, is an ongoing topic of conversation in housing authorities. However, the drive for efficiency and the Decent Homes standard can mean that it is easy to lose sight and control of the importance of customer service and care. Indeed,…
Online and on targetRead More →
Green is good
The environmental impact of IT and computing is coming to the fore. All major hardware and software suppliers are working on green products, the market for which is expected to be enormous. This will also put pressure on IT departments within the social housing sector to go green, save money, and reduce resources and energy…
Green is goodRead More →
Prevention beats the cure
Most major IT system failures are preventable – proactive monitoring can detect the early warnings, allowing remedial action to be taken before disaster strikes. IT support companies have traditionally set different service-level expectations for different customers, usually under a break-fix model, selling time in advance of the customer’s requirements. Meanwhile, the customer continues to carry…
Prevention beats the cureRead More →
A predictable performance
In recent years, we have seen an exponential increase in the amount of data that organisations capture and store. Most organisations typically hold ‘structured data’ – information that is ordered and arranged by categories such as age, gender, etc – which is generally used simply to retrieve specific information rapidly, or to produce historical reports….
A predictable performanceRead More →
Less is more
Housing organisations are complex and both their internal and external environments are evolving, which can lead to complicated problems. No one can deny that housing providers rely heavily on their IT systems to pursue their number-one goal of delivering excellent customer service. But IT managers are often frustrated by the number of different systems needed…
Less is moreRead More →