How can housing providers use the internet of things (IoT) as part of a digital transformation strategy to provide a more sophisticated, data-driven approach that seeks to predict and prevent rather than react? Social tenants are complaining in record numbers about damp and mould, with the Housing Ombudsman recording a 77 per cent increase in…
Damp, mould and digital transformationRead More →
Contributed Articles
IT automation, behavioural science & staff retention
The screw has been turning on social housing providers and local authorities, as wave after wave of challenges have piled on the pressure; historical funding issues were exacerbated by the pandemic, with the ensuing cost-of-living crisis adding to the problems. The reality is organisations are having to do far more with less in a bid…
IT automation, behavioural science & staff retentionRead More →
Red Kite’s digital transformation
Since Red Kite Community Housing was formed in 2011, we’ve consistently adopted innovative ways of working, with the intention of providing great homes and delivering excellent services to our tenants. In 2018 we formed a new company, Twenty11, which provides a fresh way of letting and managing homes through digital tenancies and flexible rents. Like…
Red Kite’s digital transformationRead More →
Maximising the potential of Microsoft Dataverse and Power Apps
Microsoft Dataverse and Power Apps have emerged as powerful tools to help revolutionise the way housing providers operate, from managing tenant data to improving communications and service delivery. Let’s delve into how housing providers can harness the full potential of Dataverse and Power Apps to achieve their goals and serve their communities more effectively. What…
Maximising the potential of Microsoft Dataverse and Power AppsRead More →
Is digital transformation a misnomer?
Fact: 99.5 per cent of instances of the term ‘digital transformation’ are misnomers (source: me). Don’t get me wrong; digital transformation is a very good thing, it’s just very hard to do. It requires people to change and the more senior they are, the harder it is. Joke: the first thing to do in any…
Is digital transformation a misnomer?Read More →
IntoZetta’s annual ‘data in housing’ survey results… final instalment
Welcome to the final instalment of our review of IntoZetta’s ‘Data in Housing Survey 2023’. If you missed the earlier articles, please see the last three editions of Housing Technology (available online). In part three, we saw respondents identify that, while they had a good idea of how data was being created, used and stored,…
IntoZetta’s annual ‘data in housing’ survey results… final instalmentRead More →